Chapter 7: Saturday

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Fluke can feel eyes staring at him in his sleep. He normally would've brushed it off as some nightmare as he gets it from time to time, but it feels too real this time. He peeks through his left eye and sees his 'ever so-loving friends', still in their pajamas with the exception of Prem, looking at him expectantly.

"Uhm, good morning?" Fluke chuckles, rubbing his eyes to drive away his remaining sleepiness.

"Good morning, care to tell us what happened last night?" Sammy intercepted. Fluke tilts his head, somehow confused. Did Pine tell Sammy the moment she woke up about how he got back late as well? Fluke then looks at Pine.

Immediately, she defends herself. "Oh no, she saw your post when she woke up. She basically mauled me this morning just to wake me up and be here. Not that I'm complaining."

I totally forgot that one. But really, Sammy... Well, it can't be helped. Sammy wasn't always a mother hen to them, not until 2nd year came. All four of them, excluding Sammy who didn't care about relationships then, had their first heartbreaks. That's when Sammy vowed to protect her friends in their relationships. Though she almost 'pushes' them to other good people sometimes, she still values her friend's feelings. In the case of Ohm, she probably saw how kind of a person he is, hence the OhmFluke operation started.

Three-finger snaps brought Fluke back to reality. Shaking his head, Fluke clears his throat. "What about last night?"

"What happened last night?"

"Where did you go?"

"What did you two talk about?"

"Are you two together yet?"

And the world's most nosy friends are awarded to Sammy, Pine, Prem, and Mix. Kidding aside, Fluke knows they mean well. Besides, they have no secrets from each other.

"Okay, one at a time." Fluke laughs. "We went to a small cozy cafe near the hotel. We just talked about our lives, likes, dislikes, basically about us, to get to know about each other," Fluke paused.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY, WHY THE SUDDEN PAUSE?" Sammy shrieked, causing the four to shush her because the hotel walls are thin. They almost got into trouble the other night because the room beside them complained how noisy they were, almost thinking they were doing something illegal.

"To the last question, no." Fluke looks down. The other four started looking at each other and simultaneously asked, "You got dumped?!"

"WHA- No! What is there to dump when we're not even together yet?"

"Because you suddenly looked down!" Prem insisted.

"Oh sorry sorry, just to suspense you guys," Fluke laughed, the four sighing.

Fluke started explaining how he felt that everything that happened the past week was a blur to him and how it felt not enough to start a relationship. He also mentioned their 'one-year' deal, which made them laugh because it did sound like a business.

"So you'll be leaving right after graduation?" Mix asks.

"Not right away, since I still have some paperwork to do and I still have to oversee our family business for a few months."

In a matter of minutes, the room went silent and somehow gloomy. It finally dawned on them that they will be separating ways soon. Four whole years of happy and sad memories, cramming assignments and papers, unlimited coffee and library dates, and just being together all the time.

Sammy encourages them into a hug, eyes looking around and arms around each other. She breaks the silence with 6 words that almost made everyone cry, "I'm so proud of us all."

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