"Hot." Fluke says as he fans himself through the scorching heat. Don't get him wrong. He loves the warmth of Thailand but there are times where he can feel the heat getting to him, and unfortunately for him, winds are nowhere to be felt. When they reached the building, Fluke immediately ran for the elevator, dragging Yangyang with him who was also feeling a little hot because of the weather. As someone who is used to the cold weather this time around back in China, being in a tropical country is new to them.
The cold air welcomed them as they reached their floor. Thank God, the aircon is already on, Fluke sighed. Yangyang excused herself to freshen up a bit. There were no other delegates on the floor as each team has their own different schedules and meet-up locations. Today is the allotted shoot day for the delegates. Some teams have an earlier call time because they have to shoot at different locations as per their script. Fluke remembers passing by a few teams earlier at the entrance, carrying cameras and tripods, all ready for a shoot.
Fluke didn't realize he was staring into the air, obviously tired. Probably because he hasn't recovered yet from the heat. He desperately needs a cold drink. He did bring cold water from the hotel but he already drank it all. He looked around the common area to look for a drink and much to his dismay, there is only hot water available for coffee and hot chocolate. Maybe, I'll just buy later when we go down for our shoot. I think there is a nearby canteen.
As he drags his feet to their room, he is welcomed by Ohm and News. No other delegates in sight. News nods to acknowledge Fluke's arrival while Ohm waves to him. Fluke blushed a little at the action, but his tiredness took over his body again. He smiled and waved a little before settling at his seat. The two were preparing the additional equipment they borrowed from the faculty for their shoot. Some delegates have brought their own cameras but they still need other stuff for recording plus tripods.
Where are the others? He glances at the wall clock. 8:45 am. Still a little early. Fluke shrugs his thoughts away and plays with his phone.
Ohm notices something's off with Fluke. He usually has this cheery attitude when entering the room. One that really sets the mood of their team. But today, he only smiled and waved a little. He then approaches Fluke, "Are you okay?"
Fluke looked up from his phone, a little startled. He felt his heart skip a beat. Eep, when did he get here? "Uhhh, I'm fine. Just feeling a little hot from the weather."
Ohm nodded, "Do you need a drink?" Ohm was positive he could see how Fluke's eyes sparkled and lit up when he said the word 'drink'. Cute. He tries hard to stifle his laugh.
"But there is only hot water in the common area?" Fluke questions Ohm. He's pretty sure there is only hot water in the common area. Did I miss it somewhere? Fluke thinks hard. Before he knew it, Ohm left the room. A few minutes later, Ohm returns with a juice box in his hand. Obviously cold because of the condensation on the box's surface. "Here."
Fluke has this face of happiness and confusion when he accepts the drink. "Where did you get it? I didn't see a fridge somewhere?"
"There is a fridge inside Team Lifestyle's room. The cold drinks are there. It's for everyone. We just can't put it in the common area because there is no outlet," Ohm explains. It was an issue when they were preparing for the event. They knew they had to put the mini-fridge in the common area but there is simply no outlet. In the end, it was placed in the nearest room, which is Team Lifestyle's room. With the fridge in their room, it looked like it was only exclusive for their team.
Fluke muttered a quick thanks and took a sip from the cold drink. Ohm leaves him when their other teammates enter the room. It's going to be a long day today.

Seven Days of Love
FanfictionAn #OhmFluke AU where Fluke, a Thai who grew up and lives in China, goes to Thailand for a week-long conference. There he meets Ohm, a Thai delegate who also serves as China's Thai buddy. Both grew affection for one another but is it really love? or...