An #OhmFluke AU where Fluke, a Thai who grew up and lives in China, goes to Thailand for a week-long conference. There he meets Ohm, a Thai delegate who also serves as China's Thai buddy. Both grew affection for one another but is it really love? or...
The warm rays of the sun pierced through the window, waking Fluke up. Fluke checked his phone. 7:30 am. Still early. They were told to meet at the lobby at 9:00 am since their Thai buddies will be picking them to guide them on how to go to the university using the subway stationed in front of their hotel. I wonder who will be our Thai buddies. Thai buddies are the Thai delegates who are assigned to be the guide of each country. Fluke stretched his arms widely as soon as he got up. He peeked at his roommate, Prem, who is still in dreamland. Nah, I'll just wake him up after I finish washing up. Fluke took the clothes he prepared before going to bed earlier and went straight to the bathroom to wash up.
Fluke knew Prem was up when he heard him screaming "Fluke, why didn't you wake me up?!!" endlessly. He walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair. "It's only 8 am, why are you screaming?"
Prem looks in disbelief at Fluke. "We're leaving at 9 am, I still have to take a bath and WE have to eat breakfast." Prem rambled while getting his clothes. "You know I can't do that in an hour, especially today of all days."
"Your record in the shower is 15 minutes, which includes dressing up. We also can eat in 30 minutes, haven't we always done that in university? And why today of all days—" Ding. Oh, it must be because of that. Before Fluke can utter a word again, Prem rushed to the bathroom with his clothes. As Fluke heard the running water, he continued to dry his hair using the dryer in the dresser. He could hear Prem's rants through the wall. He fished for his charging phone when he heard a notification popped.
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Fluke hears the bathroom door unlock. Prem walks out of the bathroom, all dressed up but the hair's a wet mess. Fluke stood and offered the dryer to Prem, who gladly accepted it.
"See, you can take a bath in 15 minutes," Fluke chuckled as he walked to their closet. He takes the two light brown military jackets. He tosses Prem his and wears his jacket before slinging his bag on. In d'CATCH, it's usual to wear a uniformed top for the first day like a team shirt or jacket. They decided to wear a light brown military jacket personalized with their name and country on the front.
By 8:30 am, Prem and Fluke arrived at the breakfast hall. The trio who went to eat first, was already in the middle of their meal when they arrived.