Brother in law

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{Before starting a reminder for you all this is only a story so see it More like a fiction only I don't want any type of negative bashing comments also I kept you waiting for so many days for this update I know that but hope you will like it and also increase the votes,do check previous os if you haven't :)}

Yuvraj-Happy new year Happy new year brother

Mahir-Same to you bro how are you and bhabhi doing I returned after so many months right

Yuvi-Yes me and bela missed you so much

Mahir-Yeah I know but where is my sweet bhabhi I want to meet her see I have brought so many gifts for you both

Yuvi-She is baking cake in kitchen come we will meet her

Mahir-Yes lets go and Surprise her

Yuvi-Bela baby see who's here to meet you

Bela-Oh my my mahir you

Both hugged each other smiling.

Mahir-How are you doing bhabhi

Bela-I am doing well mahir how about you?

Mahir-I am fine too

They talked with each other for a long time mahir was waiting at there house for next few days yuvi was doing his office work bela was watching TV mahir comes downstairs and sits beside bela they both smiles to each other bela goes to her room she was standing beside the bed someone enters inside and closes the door bela smiles.

Bela-I missed you so much baby why did you left me and started staying in London you know my parents married me to your brother just because you I am married to yuvi I don't want to live with him I want to live with you mahir baby just give me a hug

Mahir-I know I missed you too baby I am really very very sorry I know I should not have done all that things but you know na that we still love each other but I really don't care that now you're married to yuvi just remember you will always be mine you're just mahir's baby

He pushes her on the bed bela pulls him More closer holding his collar he pecks her lips and she holds his cheeks she connects there lips to each other mahir sucks her Upper lip bela was biting his lip she gently sucks his Lower lip mahir wanted her to open her mouth

Bela was sucking his lips mahir pinches her waist and bela slightly opens her mouth mahir moves his tongue inside her mouth and sucks her tongue he was licking her insides both were fighting with there tongues mahir gently bites her tongue and bela hits her hand on his shoulder.

Mahir threw her More upside holding her waist he removes his shirt bela stretches her hand to remove his pant but mahir hits her hand bela rubs her hand and slaps mahir on his cheek.

Mahir-Wait baby Not so soon you're seeing this after so many years right let both of us enjoy....

He softly pecks her lips bela smile and softly bites his earlobe mahir smiles softly and caresses her cheeks mahir threw his shirt in a corner and kisses her forehead he kisses her eyes amd cheeks he kisses her neck he removes her nuptial Chain and keeps it on the table.

He again lays on her bela was closing her eyes tightly she was holding the bedsheet tightly with her both hands mahir was kissing her neck he was moving his hands on her body bela was breathing heavily her chest was moving up and down mahir was Happy seeing his effect on bela after many years.

He un pins her pallu from her shoulder and softly opens the plates of her saree bela helps him lovingly he again kisses her and both lost themselves in that sweet pleasure,mahir threw her saree in the corner of the room he removes her blouse he makes her sit and opens the dori he threw the blouse and licks her neck from all the sides licking her neck he gives her love bites on her neck.

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