Classroom 18+++

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{mature contents strictly 18+ read only if you're comfortable don't even think to report or bash it again if my book got deleted you will see what I can do and no negative comments here if you want to do hate comments just don't read it}

Target:150+ votes

Credits of Chapter:Unknown ~

Bela:Baby what are you doing here

Yuvi:Um jaan I was waiting for you Hottie

Bela:Just shut up and stay away you had me two weeks before and for your kind information you didn't even pleasure me a bit you fucking asshole try to increase your dick size dude otherwise your sex life is in.....

Yuvi:Just shut up you're a random school girl feel yourself on top just because a college going guy has fucked you leaving all the Hotties around him

Bela:Oh really like really are you seriously saying all this oh that's the reason you were running behind me pressing my ass in every single place and requesting me to spend an hour or two with you just because you were least interested,you ugly mother fucker keep this thing in your mind I don't go behind anyone you fucking boys run behind me feel lucky that I didn't ask anything in return from you leave!!

Yuvi:I will see you definitely I will make you a slut

Bela:Make come see I am opening my shirt go call your friends go na why are you waiting han go call your friends see

She opens her shirt buttons yuvi runs from there.

Bela:Mother fucker!!!

She removes the cigarette from her bag and sits on the bench no one was in the classroom no one says anything to bela cuz she is school trusties daughter and her father does not say her anything because bela has learnt all this from him.

Bela was walking down the stairs it was a short break and mahir was going to fill his bottle when he sees bela is puffing cigarette,he was very fond of bela since they were in 5th standard he always wanted to talk with her but didn't have courage as she is very strict and she doesn't like any random guy forwarding his hand to her as a friend.Mahir was not ready but seeing her in a bright mood he decides to go and talk to her once he stands beside her and took her cigarette he puffs from it bela didn't react anything she turns to him and slaps her she kicks his knee and was leaving from there when mahir holds her hand.

Bela:Leave my hand just let me go


Bela kicks his weak point and leaves

Mahir:Ouch aa was I trying to force her that she hit me so hard ouch fuck mommy

He got up and leaves from there.

Bela had invited her all classmates at her house party mahir was one of them bela didn't knew about mahir before as he is a back bencher mahir sprayed a lot of deo on him and opens his buttons till his chest he applies gel on his hairs he sets them and leaves from there to bela's house she was talking with all the classmate mahir hides from her but she had already seen him but didn't tell it to anyone she got too much drunk and goes to him he was doing cheers to another glass bela holds it and kept it back shr took him to the school it was night and she opend the class room door she closes it and sits on the bench she calls mahir to her she holds his collar and pulls him closer she took a rose in her mouth and pulls him more closer he took the rose between his teeth bela threw the rose from her mouth and holds his collar she removes his shirt and lays him on the floor she moves her hands all over his chest and kisses her forehead.

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