The following training day had been an eventful one to say the least. On that particular morning, Clove absolutely dreaded the thought of going to training. There was something particularly bothersome about the thought of spending all day in the presence of others; Others being Glimmer. The truth was, Clove had a horrible gut feeling that most of the training days to come, would simply consist of Cato and Glimmer incessantly flirting. And the thought alone repulsed her. Unsurprisingly, Clove had been right. She'd been so right, in fact, the majority of her day had been spent with Marvel and Marvel alone. Apparently Marvel couldn't bear to be around them either, as he'd soon break away from the two blondes, and would instead join Clove. "So what else are you good at Clove?" Marvel asked, as he walked alongside Clove.

"How about this," She said with a pause, "You name a weapon, and i'll tell you if I'm any good with it." She replied, as the two made their way over to one of the survival stations.

"So of course, you're good knives and spears," He began, with a slight nod of confirmation. "are you any good with—" He said with a hum, "A bow and arrow?" He eventually landed on.

"Well versed." Said Clove, with a nod.

"Swords?" He asked immediately after.

"Moderate." She replied.

"Oh, I know." He said enthusiastically, "Axes?"

"I'm pretty good with those." She said with a slight grin.

"Fuck." He chuckled. "You're like a one woman killing machine."

"Thats the idea." Clove said with a slight pull of her lips, "What about you?" She asked with a pause, "Got anymore skills we can utilise?" 

"I'm not a half bad hunter." Marvel said with a nod.

"You're not bad at hunting, what? Animals?" She asked with a pause, "Or humans?"

"Well, I don't know what you all do for fun in District 2, but in 1, we don't usually spend our Friday nights hunting down the homeless." Marvel said casually, something which caused Clove to laugh in response. Clove found herself genuinely surprised that Marvel managed to make a joke, that garnered a genuine laugh out of her, as she hadn't really struck him as the humorous type.

"Yeah," She said, with a sigh. "Not really our style either." She continued, the remnants of her laugh still ghosting the features of her face. "Seriously though, that'll be a useful skill in the arena—"

"What's so funny?" Said Cato's all too familiar voice. With a sigh of apprehension, Clove followed the voice to the left of her, to find Cato stood a couple of feet away from them with Glimmer at toe. Clove could tell almost instantly that Cato wasn't happy, he spoke in a particularly harsh tone and wore a distinct frown that he wouldn't normally wear, unless he had something to be angry about.

The smile Marvel had previously been wearing, quickly faded away as he caught glimpse of Cato's attitude. "Nothing important." He murmured with a shrug, "I'm going to go catch up with Glim." He said motioning towards the girl, stood behind Cato.

"See ya." Clove replied. Almost instantly after Marvel left, Cato made his way over to Clove,
standing so close to her there was barely an inch between them. What Clove expected next was for Cato to hurl an insensitive comment or two towards her, however when that didn't come straight away, Clove found herself glancing up at him in curiosity.

"Got inside jokes with the enemy now, Clove?" He spat, the second they made eye contact.

"God, don't give me that, Cato." Clove sighed frustratedly, "You were the one who told me to play nice."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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