Chapter 33

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"Rise and shine!!!" Someone screamed in my ear. I turned on my bed to the left and snuggled under a cozy blanket of fur. 

Yep, it's fur!

"If you don't get up, I'll throw away your breakfast!" The voice threatened me, sweetly. I gushed myself atop my bed with the mention of breakfast. Nothing can make me skip breakfast.

I turned around to see who the voice belonged to.

  A bat spoke to me.

  A bat spoke to me!

   A bat! 

The flying mammal, that bat! 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed in fright. 

Two days later...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled again. This was the second time this freakish animal came into my bedroom. When I told the guys, they said I must be hallucinating!

Flap flap flap!

Now, I wish I had a baseball bat to hit my face to wake me up from this crazy dream! Please wake me up as fast as possible! Pleaseeeeeeeee!

"Rose, wake up! You can't possibly dream about a bat threatening your breakfast!" I smacked cheeks, hard. 

It hurt!  

"It's not a dream!!!" The bat screeched at me and its sound waves deafened my ears.

"Okay, okay. Who are you? And why wake me up?" I asked it, trying my best to stay calm even though I was freaking out. My reactions may get even worse in front of a cockroach.

 The bat stared at me and tears gathered in its eyes. I panicked and tried to calm it down but the bat started to bawl.

What is happening right now? I never knew that a bat could cry.

"I'm your dragon and you don't even know me! Wahhh----I'm so sad." It sniffled.

"Dragon?" Just as the word left my mouth, the bat transformed into a huge dragon with refined black wings and lean body. 

He was ginormous! And he looked awesome! My fright immediately turned into joy of seeing a mythical dragon.

 Thanks a lot, my utter nonsense of loving Greek mythologies. You could have saved me two days ago!  I cursed with sarcasm to myself.

"Now, you believe me?" It talked in a more lower voice. It was almost seductive! I nodded in agreement. 

"But, what did you mean by 'my' dragon?" I asked again even though I knew that all dark lords seemed to have one specific beast for themselves with the help of Erebus's busy mouth.

"I searched everywhere for you ever since you passed the test. I'm so glad to see you!" It chirped in a sweet voice. 

"What is your name?" I asked with a wavering voice.

"I don't have one" It shrugged.

"Can I name you then?" I asked and he nodded.

"Hmm...How about...Cad?" I scratched my chin. 'Cadmus' means 'dragon teeth' in Greek so it kind of fit together.

"I love it!", he exclaimed, "But, why aren't you scared of me in dragon form? Even that stuck-up manticore screamed like a girl." I laughed at its words.

"Should I be?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Nope. I already love you---uhh?"


"---Lord Rose!"

"Just Rose!", I firmly told it, "I'm scared of your bat form, not the dragon form. In fact, you look really cool." I complimented this huge ball of cuteness.

 It reminded me of a cat back home. They both had the same green eyes.    

It nudged its forehead on mine and a zing of energy went through me. My attribute was registering him. 

'He's connecting with you, so don't move.' Erebus voice came out of nowhere.

"How did you come here?" I asked Cad.

"My mother chased me out of the den saying that it was my turn to find my owner. And, if I don't, she said that she would disown me." Cad blabbered like a toddler with a huge volume of tears. 

"You were chased out of your own house?!" I asked in surprise. He looked pitiful but I understood what he was doing. He was manipulating me by pity.

 Nice one! I like this guy!

"Now, you two just have to get titled by that clown and you'll officially be the new dark lord!" Nidas exclaimed entering the room.

"Where is the previous lord, then?" I asked curiously.

"He died centuries ago! My father retired and gave the ropes to me. I searched around for all that time. No one was suitable enough other than you. So, here we are now." Erebus morphed on the ceiling with his recognizable eyes. 

"Okay, cool!" I said while trying to process this newfound information. Yep, I understood nothing!

"Take your time, Rose. You'll soon get used to all this. We will be here for you!" Erebus smiled at me with his signature white grin through the ceiling. I nodded in reply. 

"Let's start by visiting our first destination." Nidas told us.


   Soon, we ate breakfast. I asked Cad to stay in his dragon form for the time being since bats freak the hell out of me. But, I promised him that I will get used to it. 

   Cad asked me to get on his back and we flew through the sky. Cad glided smoothly through the air as if he was just wasting away his time. He's a pro!

   We arrived at the Southern points where the monster dens were. Surprisingly, all the monsters' living areas were destroyed. Nidas (now, in his manticore form) grazed the devastated land and sighed. 

   Erebus informed that they were abducted. I gave my presented my idea about a war (as mentioned in the novel) even though they shook their heads as if I was nuts. I ignored them.

"Can we get them back?" I asked, hope glistening in my eyes. After the encounter with the Cerberus in the hunting competition, my opinion on monsters being 'evil' took a huge change.

"We can but we have to talk with Enzo about it. If he allows me to activate some powers that were banished, we might be able to save them." Erebus spoke out loud.

"Banished?!" I chimed in.

"They were so disastrous and uncontrollable. If one mistake happens, my existence and your soul will completely destroy."    

"They were winded right?" I asked. Everyone nodded in reply.

"Let's try it!" I spoke up and they looked at me in shock.

"I mean, we came this far. We can't give up now." I motivated them which might not have made any difference.

"Rose, do you understand how dangerous this is? This isn't a game, you know." Nidas forwarded.

"Yes, I do. I want to undo the winding course. It doesn't matter if others have never done it. We can try. Everyone deserves a chance. Just like how I did." I murmured the last bit. I was grateful for a second chance at life and if I can help the ones those who are about to die, I might as well try it.  

"Let's go to hell." 

Hello my dear readers,

-So, Rose made a new friend! Cad! I have been loving dragons since all time and I was like, 'Why not have one here too?' And here we go!

-I have an important question to you guys.

Should I make coffee or accept with eating just a biscuit? Comment! Peace!

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