|~| one |~|

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"Y/n! We need more bread!" Your father called from downstairs.

"On it!" You got off of your bed and got dressed.

Going downstairs and towards the front door, you said bye to your parents before leaving the house and heading to the market.

"Y/n! Are you going to Antonio's gift ceremony tonight?" A little boy asked as you walked past him.

"Si, I'll make sure to keep my eye out for you," you winked at him, making the boy laugh.

Arriving at the market, you scanned the crowd and found the bread stall, heading over to it.

"Just this?" The lady at the stall asked as you put the bread on the table.

You nodded and handed her the money, she gave you the bread and you put it in your bag to head home.

On the way home you saw someone approaching you from the corner of your eye, as you turned to see who it was they bumped into you and nearly fell over, catching themself just in time.

"Are you ok?" You asked.

"Yep, all good," turning to face you, you finally saw their face to see that it was one of the Madrigal kids, Mirabel.

"Oh, hey Mirabel," you and Mirabel had been friends since you were ten, "what are you doing?"

"Hiding from a bunch of kids, they're currently distracted," she peaked around the corner. "Nevermind! Sorry, Y/n, I gotta go!"

You laughed and waved goodbye, continuing to walk home.

Arriving home, you put the bread on the kitchen table, calling out to let your parents know you were home and went up to your room. Looking out the window you saw Mirabel being handed a crate full of fireworks and other things in front of the Casita with a pack of kids.

Lightly laughing, you reached under your bed to get the present you had prepared for Antonio.

It was a small painting you had made of him and his side of the family in the shade of a tree, in the painting Antonio was running around with his older brother, Camilo, and his sister, Dolores, was sitting with eyes closed against the tree, the parents, Pepa and Felix, were sitting on a picnic blanket together, smiling as they watched their sons play together.

You were proud of how it turned out. Looking up from the painting you heard you parents calling out to you that they were gonna start heading to the Casita.

You quickly put the painting in it's box and hurried downstairs to where you parents were standing.

"You ready to go?" You mother asked.

"Si, mamá," you smiled, and headed out the front door.

Arriving at the Casita you noticed Camilo, Antonio's older brother, at the entrance, greeting people and shape shifting into them, making them smile.

Noticing you and your parents, he grinned and headed over to you.

"Y/n! Glad you made it," he shape shifted into you, giving you a high-five.

"Hola Camilo," you winked at him as he walked past you to greet your parents.

Entering the Casita, you stared in awe as you took in all the beautiful flowers and other decorations it had been decorated with.

"Y/n! I thought you weren't gonna come," you turned to see Mirabel bounding over to you.

"Of course I was gonna come, Mira!" You gave her a hug. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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