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"Y/n! There's someone here for you!" Your mother called as you were waking up.

"Coming!" You yelled back.

After getting ready and eating a quick breakfast, you headed over to the front door where you found Mirabel standing in front of you.

"Mira!" You gave her a hug.

"Hey Y/n, so I was gonna go help Luisa with her chores, wanna come with?" She asked, returning the hug.

"Sure, I got nothing better to do," you smiled and she dragged you outside.

After you were a good distance away from your house, you turned to Mirabel and tightly grabbed her shoulders.

"Ok, what is this actually about? Because there's no way in hell you came here just to ask me to help with Luisa's chores," you said, shaking her slightly.

"Fine, you got me. We're going talk to Luisa about the magic because Dolores said she heard her eye twitching all night and as you know the house is in danger even though no one believes me for some reason but-" she stopped as you cut her off.

"believe you Mirabel, now let's go find that sister of yours," you let go off her shoulders and smiled as she lead you in the direction Luisa went.

Upon finding her, Mirabel started following Luisa around asking questions and all that.

"NOTHING'S WRONG!" Luisa suddenly burst out. "Sorry, that uh, just came out. Everything's fine."

"Uh, your eye is doing the thing-" Mirabel pointed out as Luisa's eye twitched.

"I'm the strong one, I'm not nervous, I'm as tough as the crust of the earth is,"  Luisa sang suddenly.

"What the fuck.." you said under you breath.

"I move mountains, I move churches, and I glow 'cause I know what my worth is,"  Luisa continued, flexing her muscles and turning her head to look at you and Mirabel.

"Course, I mean- Hey, where are you going?" Mirabel cut off halfway through her sentence, the last part was quieter and directed at the donkeys that Luisa was carrying earlier who had taken a step back.

You stared blankly at Mirabel for a second before turning back to Luisa.

"I take what I'm handed, I break what's demanded but,"  Luisa suddenly grabbed the path under her and lifted it up, revealing three of you standing on a tight rope, except Luisa was holding weights, but instead of metal they were donkeys?

"Under the surface, I feel beserk as a tight rope walker in a three-ring circus,
Under the surface, was Hercules ever like 'yo I don't wanna fight Cerberus,'"  the setting suddenly changed to an arena like place with a massive hound with three heads and a man with a shield and sword running away from the massive dog.

"Under the surface, I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service,"  Luisa took the sword and shield, seemingly going to fight Cerberus.

"Give to your sister your sister's older, give her all the heavy thing we can't shoulder, who am I if I can run with the ball? If I fall-"  you stared as she continued her song, wondering what the hell was going on.

As Luisa finished the song you were brought back to the real world, and Mirabel gave her sister a hug, saying she was carrying to much but was quickly cut off when Luisa gave her a bone crushing hug.

"By the way, when said the house breaking that night, I felt.. weak," Luisa hugged her tighter before letting go.

"I have no clue what just happened-" you started, but were cut off by Luisa.

"Oh, if you want to know what's happening to the house, I suggest you go to Bruno's tower and find his vision," Luisa said, gathering the donkeys.

"How am I supposed to find a vision?" Mirabel asked.

"You'll know when you find it, but be careful, there's a reason that place is off limits," Luisa said with a shudder.

Mirabel grabbed your hand and dragged you off to where you assumed was the Casita.

"Cool so I'm just gonna dragged along without a choice, great," you rolled you eyes in a joking manner.

"Yup, now come on, I'm not doing this along," she said as you arrived at the Casita.

The two of you made sure the coast was clear as you snuck into the corner where the tower was located, making sure no one could see you, Mirabel open the door and pulled you inside, revealing an hourglass shape in the entrance with sand flowing from it.

"Casita, can you turn off the sand?" Mirabel turned to the tiles, that made sounds Mirabel seemed to understand. "You can't help in here?"

The floor made more sounds.

"We'll be fine, don't worry," Mirabel said, turning back to the sand. "Find the vision, save the-"

Mirabel fell as she stepped into the sand, making you rethink coming with her, hesitantly, you closed the door behind you and jumped into the sand, falling.

"Bad idea, bad idea-!" You fell onto a bunch of sand below you, unharmed.

Looking up, you saw a bunch of stairs leading to the place where you would supposedly find the vision.

"That's a lot of stairs," Mirabel said from behind you, causing you to jump.

"Jesus Christ Mira, you scared the shit out of me," you stood up, shaking off the sand from your clothes.

"Well, we better get started," Mirabel said, heading towards the stairs.

"Have fun with that, I'm staying here-" Mirabel grabbed your arm, forcing you to go with her.

After quite some time of walking up the stairs, you finally reached the top, to reveal a giant jump, groaning you sat down while Mirabel made a thing so that she could swing across.

"I'm gonna stay here, ok Mirabel?" You called after her.

"You know what, that sounds like a good idea," she nodded and headed inside a tomb-like thing.

"This is gonna take a while," you sighed, laying down on the sandy ground.

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