|~| four |~|

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Both you and Mirabel hurried out of Bruno's tower, brushing off sand from your clothes and hair.

You spotted Camilo in the distance and waved over to him.

"Mirabel, I'm gonna go talk to Camilo," you whispered to her.

She nodded and you walked over to Camilo, who was waiting for you with a smile.

"Hey Camilo," you flicked his forehead.

"Y/n!" He laughed and flicked you back. "Let's go to my room, come on"

Walking into his room, you noticed it had changed since you were there, like the floor was now a darker colour, and the furniture had been rearranged, though were some things that weren't there before, or pieces of furniture that had disappeared. It confused you.

"How come your room changed?" You asked as you ran your hand along a wooden drawer that had moved from it's previous spot.

"Oh yeah, it does that," he shrugged and sat down on the floor.

Figuring it must be to do with his gift, you shrugged it off and sat down in front of him.

"Also, my family is having the Guzmans over for dinner tonight I thought it'd be cool if you came as well," Camilo spoke with a hopeful glint in his eyes, making it physically impossible to say no.

"Alright, I'll come," you, smiling when he grinned happily.

You were about to talk about other things when you heard the sound of singing coming from somewhere in the Casita.

"Oh! This is my chance!" Camilo pulled you up off the floor and peaked outside his room to see Dolores talking- no, singing, to Mirabel about.. Bruno?

After Dolores had finished her part, Camilo pulled Mirabel away and began his part, which looked like it had been practiced for years.

You couldn't help but notice how well the song fit his voice, it was like if you found a piece that fit perfectly into another, or when you put the last piece of a puzzle in it's place. In saying that his voice was perfect for the song, and he had obviously practiced it many times.

When he finished his bit, he ran back to you excitedly.

"How'd I do?" Camilo gripped your shoulders tightly and shook you.

"The song compliments your voice perfectly, and the shape shifting in between made it so much better than it would be if anyone else did it. It also looked like you practiced it many times before this," you said once he stopped shaking you.

To your delight, he jumped up, punching the air, before running over to the others to continue with the song.

"Isabela your boyfriend's here!" You watched as Camilo turned into Mariano, and laughed.

As everyone got ready for dinner, your eyes wouldn't leave Camilo no matter how hard you tried, watching his flawless movements as he and his family danced around the table, preparing it for the Guzmans at the same time.

The next moment you found yourself at the table sitting next to Antonio, who was showing you a butterfly that had landed on his hand yesterday.

You noticed Mirabel staring intensely at Dolores, who had a 'help me' expression.

The moment Mirabel couldn't see, Dolores immediately started whispering something to Camilo, who coughed while shifting from himself, to Mirabel, Bruno, and back to himself, but his face was all messed up. Everyone turned to him in confusion, and Alma distracted Mrs. Guzman by pouring more wine into a glass.

"Camilo, fix your face," Felix nudged his son, who shook his head and turned to look at Mirabel.

"Tell me more about your animals, Antonio," you said, trying to ease the mood. Thankfully, Antonio happily started talking about his jaguar.

The moment Mirabels eyes were covered again, Camilo started whispering to Felix, who spat out his drink all over Mariano, who stared in shock.

"What the fuck.." you mumbled, so quiet that only Dolores could hear you.

When you looked up from your food, Felix was whispering to Pepa, who stared with her mouth open at Mirabel, and a large cloud was forming above her.

"Pepa, the cloud," Alma pointed out to her daughter, who was stroking her hair, trying to calm down.

You looked over to Camilo, who was smiling nervously.

Turning back to look at Pepa, you saw she was whispering to Juliette, who looked at her daughter in disbelief.

Mirabel, decided to play it off by sipping her drink, when something caught her eye and she looked under the table.

"Mirabel?" She banged her head on the underside of the table when Alma called her name. "The cream, please,"

"The cream," Mirabel turned to her dad, who passed her the cream with shaky hands.

"Mirabel, is everything ok?" Mariano asked her.

"Everything is fine!" Augustin said quickly. "We're just excited for you to propose! Which you should do, very soon."

"Well I was gonna-" Mariano was cut off by Mirabel.

"You were gonna! Great!" She turned Isabela's chair to face him.

"Well since all of you have gifts Mariano wanted to perform a song first," Mrs. Guzman said with a slight stutter. "Luisa, could you go get the piano?"

Luisa looked up from her food, her lip quivering.

"Ok," she sounded upset, and covered her face as she walked away.

"It's actually family tradition to sing after, you propose," Mirabel said, grabbing Mariano's chair and pushing it so that he got down on one knee.

As he started the proposal you noticed cracks appearing on the floors, luckily, Mirabel seemed to notice this to and quickly jumped into them to cover it up.

"Doing great," she tried to play it cool when both Mariano and Isabela looked at her.

"Fuck," you said under your breath, eyes shining with fear as Mirabel suddenly ducked under the table.

"Mirabel snuck into Bruno's room and found his vision and the house is falling apart and it's all her fault and now we're all doomed!" Dolores suddenly shouted and the huge cloud above the table start pouring down rain. Right as this was happening, the doors opened to reveal a bunch of people holding a celebration sign.

"Well this was shit," you muttered.

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