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Waking up in your bed the following morning, you got up and went downstairs to make yourself breakfast.

"Someone's up early," you heard your father say as you prepared your breakfast.

"Really? What time is it?" You asked, putting you food down on the table.

"Only 7:30, but you usually wake up at at nine," he grinned.

You chuckled lightly and ate your breakfast before heading up to your room to get dressed.

After getting ready and all that you walked down to the front door and called out to your parents that you were leaving before opening the door and going outside.

You walked over to a fountain and sat down, closing your eyes you heard someone running towards you. Opening your eyes just in time to see Camilo about run into you and push you into the fountain, you leaned to the side and laughed as he lost his balance and fell in the water.

"It's not funny! Now I'm cold and wet!" He joked, water soaking his clothes.

"It kinda is," you grinned and helped him out.

"So do you wanna hang out? I know a great spot," Camilo asked as you stood up.

"Sure, why not," you smiled as he grabbed your hand and lead you away from the town and into the woods, taking you to a lake.

The water was beautiful and the sun shone directly onto it.

Without warning Camilo grinned and dragged you into the lake and splashed water at you.

You laughed and splashed him back, this went on until the both of you were fully soaked and laying on the grass beside the lake.

"We should do that again sometime," Camilo shook his hair, trying to dry it.

"Mhm," you nodded.

After the two of you were dry enough you headed back to town, and Camilo took you into the Casita to hang out in his room.

As Camilo opened the door to his room, he held it open for you as an attempt to 'charm' you, but you just wandering right in without a reaction, much to his dismay.

"So, do you like my room?" He smiled, closing the door as you sat down on his bed.

"Yup, I wouldn't mind sleeping here," you winked at him, grinning as his cheeks flushed lightly.

"Anytime," he winked back at you.

As he walked over to sit next to you on the bed, you couldn't help but notice his features that you hadn't been bothered to pay attention to before. Like how his eyes were a beautiful green, and how he had little freckles on the bridge of his nose and just above his cheeks, which had a very faint blush on them, although his skin tone his that pretty well.

"You have pretty eyes," you said, not realizing you had said it until he looked at you with surprise written all over his face.

"And cute freckles," you added deciding to tease him a bit more, seeing him blush slightly at your words.

"Thanks, bonita," Camilo rubbed the back of his neck, stumbling over his words slightly.

"No problem, hermoso," you teased, grinning as Camilo's face flushed red and he tried to hide it from you.

"Stop that," he mumbled, his voice muffled by his sleeves since he was hiding his face in his arms.

"Fine," you laughed, and the room went silent.

After a while of sitting there with Camilo you got up and looked outside.

"It's getting late, I should go," you went to leave but we're stopped by Camilo grabbing your wrist.

"Let me come with you, I can't let such a cute person go alone," he grinned, clearly trying to get back at you.

"Alright then, come on," you pulled him up the both of you walked to your house together, making jokes and laughing the whole time.

As you arrived at your house, just to tease Camilo one more time, you cupped his face in your hands and lightly kissed him on the forehead. You quickly turned to your house and went inside, but not before seeing how his face was rapidly heating up as he stood still and processed what had just happened.

You broke the boy.

Heading up into you room, you flopped down on your bed, replaying the moment in your head over again you feel you cheeks heat up slightly.

"Why did I do that?" You hit your forehead against the palm of your hand.

Looking back at what you did you realized that wasn't the best thing to do, Camilo probably didn't even know what just happened.

Looking out the window you noticed Camilo walking back to the Casita, although he did turn around to look at your house for a moment before noticing you and hurrying off.

You shrugged it off and went to bed.

It was already dark when Camilo arrived back at the Casita, and he was hoping no one would see him as he hurried back to his but was immediately stopped by Dolores.

"I know what happened," she said, smiling.

"I don't know what you mean," Camilo stumbled over his words and chuckled nervously.

"Oh please, I hear everything, or have you forgotten," Dolores said simply. "You're catching feelings."

"No I'm not! Y/n is just a friend," Camilo felt his face heat up and he rushed to his room.

As he fell onto his bed, Camilo couldn't stop thinking about the moment that had happened at your house.

|•| Don't Tease Me |•| Camilo Madrigal X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now