Season 2 Chapter 4: Old memories

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Our heroes were currently at a lakeside cabin, spending a few days in luxury and relaxing. Max, Gwen, and Ben were all doing some family fishing together. Dax was currently in the cabin, writing down some notes in a notebook called Hero's Guide Number One, as he was reading his grandpa's journal.

Dax: Oh, that's what he meant.

He flips over a page in his hero's guide notebook and sees a drawing about Outburst. They had very well-detailed notes about his powers and weaknesses. He puts a sticky note on the page as he writes the sliver of detail the journal talked about.

Back outside, Gwen and Ben were holding on to a fishing rod as they had a fish tugging on their line. Ben began railing the line.

Gwen: Come on, Dweeb! I can't keep it up much longer.

Ben: Calm down, I'm doing it.

Ben started railing in the line much faster.

Max: Keep going you two! You've got this!

Ben and Gwen successfully pull the fish as it lands in their boat, flopping around.

Max: Nice job! *Picks up the fish by the tail* Look at that black bass.

Ben: Yeah, it's a decent size. I think we can make a good meal out of this one.

Gwen: Speaking of meals, I'm starving. Do we have any snacks in the cooler?

Max: *Chuckles* Of course we do, Gwen. I've got some sandwiches and drinks in there too. Let's take a break and have some lunch.

They make their way back to the cabin and start unpacking the cooler. Dax joins them, setting down his notebook on the table.

Dax: So, what did I miss?

Gwen: We caught a black bass. It was a bit of a struggle, but we managed to reel it in.

Ben: And now we're having lunch. You hungry, Dax?

Dax: I'm fine, I'm not really hungry anyway.

Max: If you say so kiddo.

Dax walks toward the nearby nature trail and he gives a backhand wave to the others.

Dax: I'm going for a walk. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Ben: Sure thing, Dax. Take your time and enjoy the scenery.

Gwen: Do you want us to come with you?

Dax: No, it's okay. I just need some time alone.

Max: Alright, but make sure to stay safe and don't wander too far off.

Dax nods and heads off down the trail, the sound of his footsteps slowly fading away. As he walks, he takes in the beauty of the forest around him. The rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the sound of the stream nearby create a peaceful atmosphere.

Dax reaches a clearing and sits down on a nearby log. He pulls out his notebook and starts reading his grandpa's journal again, flipping through the pages to find more information about Outburst.

Dax: *to himself* If I'm able to do that with my explosions, I'll be much faster in speed and much stronger too. *Closes the journal* Well, then let's test it out.

Dax gets up on his seat and lays the journal on top of it. As he focused his attention on the watch-like alien device on his left wrist, he pressed the activation button, making the core go up. The x-shaped symbol of the Α-Matrix's transforms into a diamond shape, revealing Crash-Attack's silhouette. He cycles through most of his aliens before landing on the alien he wishes to transform into.

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