Frank's alarm rung at 6:30 on Monday morning. He didn't want to get up, or go to school, or anything at all. Frank got up ignoring the fact that his body wanted him to stay in bed.
Frank made his way into the bathroom, stripped of his pajamas and stepped into the shower. The water was cold, which didn't really matter, just a bit uncomfortable. He didn't really like showers because they made him ponder the meaning of life and such.
Once Frank finished his quick, cold shower he dressed in his uniform which he found on the floor of his room. Grabbing a piece of slightly burned toast, Frank threw his homework into his bag and made his way to school.
Frank had been trying his best to avoid Gerard and by the time lunch came around he'd barely seen Gerard once so he figured Gerard was avoiding him too.
Frank realized he'd been staring down at his sandwich and looked up only to see that both Pete and Patrick were texting someone and it was probably each other, Mikey was looking longingly at Pete's face and Ray looked genuinely worried. They were sitting down in the small grassy area in front of the Catholic school.
Ray glanced down at his phone and sighed quietly and got up without saying a word, his actions were quickly followed by Mikey. Frank watched them walk off and suddenly became very re interested with his sandwich when he saw Gee walking past.
Mikey followed Ray's swift pace off school grounds and down the street to a children's playground. He could feel excitement bubble up in his chest. Ray had told him as much as he could but apparently Ray didn't exactly know much about what was happening either.
Ray led him up to a small group of some not so small people. Every single person in the small cluster of people was above 5"11.
"Welcome, to the first meeting of whatever the hell we're going to call this!" Came a voice from the middle of the crowd. Someone passed the owner of the voice a mic. "You all know why we're here. If not you shouldn't be here and I'm going to have to ask you to leave! because this is something you're not supposed to know about. Anyways so ummm what are we going to name this...thing? Any suggestions?" There was silence for a moment.
"How about Organization of Lengthy Inhabitants?" Someone drawled in a thick British accent.
"Oli, you fucking cock!" Came another voice accompanied with a British accent
"Fuck you Matt, that took thirty seconds to think of, that's a lot of fucking time!" Mikey turned to his left and saw the two boy beginning to shove each other around. This must have been a regular phenomenon because no one else seemed to care.
"So, umm...can anyone else think of a name?" Came the voice of the speaker from before. The silence that followed his words was almost unbearable.
"M'kay, so we'll just use my suggestion, great! By the way we can call it O.L.I. for short."
Mikey came to the realization that Oli had literally named whatever this was, after himself. "That little bitch..." Mikey murmured under his breath, hoping Ray couldn't hear him or he'd get a thorough talking to. Ray didn't hear him, but Oli certainly did because he shot Mikey a look that said "FigHt mE." And Mikey gave Oli a look that said something along the lines of "You fucking bet I will."
Alex was questioning why he was even put in an art class, he was shit at art. He could swear to god every single person in that room was 69x better at art then he was. The teacher asked that the class paint a picture of the things they wanted most. The things Alex wanted most was Jack Barakat and a six pack of beer or maybe sharing multiple six packs with Jack. How was he supposed to paint that without seeming as gay as he was? How were you even supposed to paint that?
After about half an hour of thinking about what he was going to paint Alex looked over to see what the person next to him was painting (his name was Gerard, right?). Gerard had already started painting, Alex wasn't sure what Gerard was painting but it looked mildly gay and really sexual, but in some weird metaphoric way. Alex figured if Gerard could get away with that he'd be able to paint him and Jack splitting a few six packs of beer.
"That's gay!" Alex looked up to see someone who he didn't recognize as any one in particular leering down at him.
"It's not!" Alex quickly lied because his painting was pretty fucking gay.
"Yes it is, fag," The obvious homophobe responded, spitting the last word like it was poison.
Before Alex could say anything Brendon Urie (or as Alex knew him "the sixhead") jumped up and began to sing "IT'S OKAY TO BE GAY, IT'S O-FUCKING-KAY TO BE GAY!" and Gerard had gotten up and punched the obvious homophobe in the face.
Obvious Homophobe retaliated by punching Gerard in the stomach and calling him a "Fat fag."
The door burst open, Alex was afraid it was the art teacher coming back. A short 'kid' with jet black hair that Alex recognized from somewhere stormed in and screamed, "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE CALL MY BOYFRIEND FAT! HE'S FUCKING PRETTIER THAN YOU'RE ASS WITH EVER BE, IN FACT HE LITERALLY HAS THE BEST ASS HUMAINLY POSSIBLE!" of course that's when the teacher walked in.
Of course she gave him, Brendon, Gerard and the short kid (who was apparently named Frank and in grade 11) detention but Obvious Homophobe walked away without punishment.
Okay I'm really fucking sorry that I haven't updated in forever but I was busy, Okay.
Alex's POV is definitely the funnest to write, well Alex or Jack.
I'm really sorry because I didn't have a lot of time to edit this chapter because it just needed to get published.
Also people who comment/vote make my life so just keep that in mind. (thanks for 130ish reads omf I didn't think I'd get two reads tbh)
STAY FABULOUS (or not it's your choice, I won't force fabulousness on you if you don't want it)

This Road Only Has One Possible Ending
FanfictionI'm not even sure what is going on in this fic any more but it has Mexican gangs and Gay kids in Catholic school...this is not what I wanted it to become. I've also come to the realization that I have no idea how I would even end this story because...