Brendon The Whorehead And Josh The Catholic School Girl

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"Fuuuuuuck," Frank muttered. Picking up his books, which were now scattered across the floor of the detention hall.

"Watch yourself, Frankie," Brendon Urie smirked. Brendon chuckled at his attempts of flirtation. He noticed Frank make eye contact (which was not Frank's best skill) and took the chance to wink at him.

"Brendon don't, I'm not interested in your weird, milky shit...or you for any matter. Besides I have a boyfriend."

Brendon sighed and watched Frank take a seat next to Gerard. Who was sitting three rows down and one row across.


"Iero, you're late." Tutted Mrs. Marie, who just happened to be his math professor. So the phrase was not unfamiliar to Frank.

"So?" Frank asked. It was a legitimate question, it was just detention, they could've easily started without him even showing up at all.

"Well Mr Iero, because we're doing something different in detention today," Mrs Marie's voice was condescending and felt like a slap in the face. "Now everyone please get into a circle." Everyone quickly followed her instructions looking mildly confused. "Okay, so today I've decided that because all of you are in here for very offensive acts, we should do something different--

"Oh, fun," Drawled something in a thick British accent. Frank turned to see someone he didn't think he'd seen at all before, sitting back in his chair with his legs and feet resting on the desk. "Also we should probably hury up with this because I'm playing a gig tonight and I can't be late."

"Just get in the circle, Sykes."

"Please just let me go, I'm supposed to be fighting some guy right now. Not sitting in fucking detention," He whined. Still sitting down with probably no intention of joining the circle.

"Just get in the circle!"

When the British guy who's last name was evidently 'Sykes' finally join the circle Mrs Marie started to explain. "So, we are going to go around the circle, say your name and why you're here...bonding time."

"I'd rather have bondge time, to be honest," Muttered Alex. Causing Brendon to forcefully stifle back his giggles.

"Okay I'll start," Said Mrs Marie. "I'm Mrs Marie and I'm here because of you bratty children. Now, let's work our way clockwise."

"Uhhh, I'm Kellin and I think I'm here because I ditched school to make out with my hot, Mexican gang leader boyfriend."

"I'm Oli Sykes and I'm here for multiple reasons and confused because I got detention and Josh didn't..."

"Why don't you tell us your 'multiple reasons'," Mrs Marie asked sweetly. "Also Mr Franceschi didn't get detention because he's a nice Catholic boy, who happened to be mislead by your satanic ways."

"Oh, believe me Oli, Josh makes a great Catholic school girl," Giggled Brendon.

"How do I get called a whore more than Brendon?" Alex asked "he's like all forehead and whore. He's a whOREHEAD, godfuckingdammit."


"Brendon, could you not fuck my boyfriend, seriously I will fiGHT YoU! Also I just thought I wouldn't share because the reason I'm here is a long, dirty list and I thought I would spare all of you from the pain of hearing why I was really late for school and one of the reasons I left over lunch and why I didn't go to religious studies but of course if you really want to hear all of that I'd be happy to tell you."

Frank hoped that he really wouldn't have to hear all that, because he certainly did not want to hear about the sex life of some British douche he'd met in detention. The room was unbearably silent, except for Brendon's giggles which never seemed to stop.

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