Chapter 14. Creatures in the woods

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Mikey stared at the cave while being very cautious and curious. He was over all confused why the entrance was a cave with a hole in it.

"Where is uhh where's the entrance?" Mikey questioned while leaning towards the cave.

"This is the entrance, follow me" Kevin said with a smile.
Kevin moved away the leaves and vines that covered the inside of the entrance, Mikey followed after and they both began to walked down the long cave hallway.

"We have to stay hidden from the world, so the humans don't take us away from our homes again. By the way what's your story?" Kevin asked, while glancing at the young turtle.

"I ran away from home" Mikey grinned.

"How come?" Kevin asked, being curious on way he would run away.

"I just cause problems for the family. I hurt Leo, Raph is mad all the time and Donnie doesn't really seemed to want to hang out with me. Splinter is dead so I just decided to leave, with the help of my friend Casey" Mikey said, being surprisingly calm.

"You don't seem to be bothered by it" Kevin said while crossing his arms behind his back.

"I guess I just spent too much time worrying about what they think and just decide to live my own life, if we meet again I don't know how I'll react" Mikey told him while making sure his nun chucks were still at his side.

"That's a good lesson to go by" Kevin grinned.

The two of them kept walking towards the end of the cave and finally stood before a stoned wall.

"Is this it?" Mikey eyes widen and quickly looking at Kevin. "Is there no door!?"

"Oh calm down, it is a door" Kevin rolled his eyes and went to the corner of the right side of the wall and grabbed a stone that was sticking out a bit.
He tugged on the stone and it pulled out a bit, he twisted it and the stone wall began to open. Kevin gave the stone door a hard push and it opened enough for them to fit through.

"Woah! That's sick dude!" Mikey said, while being excited about the secret of the cave.

When they enter the new town place, there was mutants all over the place, little mutants running around, bakers, black smiths, adults walking around teens gossiping about their lives.

"Wow! When I see mutants they usually attack us!" Mikey loudly said while looking around.

"You can fight right?" Kevin questioned.
Mikey nodded.

"Well there is a Rule here that all new people that weren't born here have to face a challenge to be accepted into the community" Kevin explained while the two of them were walking through the roads.

"What kind of challenges?" Mikey questioned.

"Well you'll only face one, since you can fight, it'll probably be a fighting match" Kevin said while also explaining with his hands.

"I mean I am a pretty good at fighting" Mikey bragged, people started to look at him, confused and curious of the new person.

Mikey notice this and stopped walking and waved to them.
He decided to show off a bit, he did a back flip and landed into the splits. Mikey out of his brothers was really flexible which is why ground work and getting into places was what he is good at.

Some people clapped and the little kids cheered a bit.
Mikey waved again started to walk with Kevin again.

"We are going to stopped by the town hall so we can get you sign in" Kevin told him.

He started to point out shops around and pointing to people and what they do.
"If you can't find a job here for money you can always go out on missions" Kevin suggested.

"That would be radical dude" Mikey responded.

It was a straight shot to the town hall they were getting closer and they started to talk about the mission jobs that Mikey could do.

"Who do you think he's going to fight?" M.C. said to his brother.

A turtle that was taller then donnie, and is wearing a red bandana and was wearing a leather jacket responded to him.

"We can't tell Swift or he'll try to enter himself into the challenge so I will, and I won't hold back" The turtle said.

"Well don't go falling in love with him when he beats you Rebel~" M.C teased.

"He won't beat me" Rebel scoffed. He also watched over Mikey when Swift couldn't. He had some feelings towards the small turtle but he knew that Swift was head over heels in love with him.

"I know how you feel about him Rebel, maybe you and Swift could fight for his affection? But I heard Swift and Casey are also fighting for him" M.C said while putting his hand on his brothers shoulder.

"Maybe in a different story of our lives Mikey will end up with me...." Rebel said while staring at the orange turtle walk with the tell man next to him.

"Well if Swift finds out about this he will freak out.... so don't say anything about him" Rebel Warned.

"Don't worry I'm on everyone's side, I won't actually mess with any of yours plans but doesn't mean I won't help" M.C said with an evil grin.

"Well played" Rebel smiled.

Mikey turned his head to look behind him. He could feel someone staring at him.

"Ah, look we're here" Kevin stated.
Mikey quickly looked, it was a large tree with a door.

Kevin grabbed the handle and twisted it open. Mikey walked in and Kevin walked in behind him.
There wasn't a lot of people there, so they walked up to one of the counters and began to talk to the lady there.

"Why hello Kevin! Who's your new friend here?" The lady had a southern accent.

"Hey Missy, this is Mikey he's new to place, you know the old house that changes to the owners life? That's were he lives" Kevin said with a smile.

"Oh my! Well it's great to have you here sweetie! Here sign this paper and the agreement to fight in the challenges and you'll be called back ones everything is set up!" Missy said with a huge smile.

Mikey smiled back and sign his name and address down and scooted it back to the lady.

"Thank you sugar! Now off you go we'll see you later" She said while looking over the paper work.

"Okay!" Mikey said, him and Kevin made their way to the door and they went outside.

"Now we wait" Kevin said.

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