Chapter 33. Himself

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Mikey realized he hasn't had a lot of time to himself lately, he was either surrounded by the town folks, around Swift, or seeing his brothers in New York. He hasn't had time to focus on himself. Even when he was still living with his brothers.

Swift walked into the room,

"Hey, so I have to go on vacation with my immediate family. Do you want to come?" Swift asked, standing in the middle of the doorway.

"No thanks" Mikey said, getting up from his bed.

Swift looked slightly shocked.

"And why not?" He asked, crossing his arms, leaning on the door frame.

"I'm just busy for the next few days" Mikey said, he was telling the truth he's busy with himself.

"Okay, I'm heading out tonight then" Swift said, and turned to leave the room.

As soon as he left Mikey fist pumped the air with a smile.

"Finally, I'll be by myself!" Mikey thought with glee.

He quickly started to think of things he could do once Swift leaves, his thought process was interrupted by a phone call.

He sighed and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Mikey asked.

"Hey brother, do you want to come down to New York and hang out?" He heard Leo asked.

"Sorry Leo, I'm going to be by myself for a few days for relaxation" Mikey apologized.

"No problem Mikey, maybe some other time" Leo said kindly.

They both said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Swift came back into the room.

"So you don't want go with me because you want to be by yourself?" Swift asked, with a confused look.

"Yeah" Mikey said and placed his phone on his night stand.

"But we're going somewhere cool and you can relax there" Swift told Mikey.

"Sorry Swift, I just haven't been by myself lately and I need to process a lot of things on my own" Mikey tried to explained to Swift in a simple way.

Swift walked up to Mikey and looked him in the eye.

"I am here to help you process things so you don't have to be alone. You'll have fun with me Mikey, we can help you process everything" Swift said, grabbing Mikeys hand and putting his other hand on Mikeys cheek,  leaning in towards Mikey face.

"No Swift. I want to be by myself, I need to be by myself. You don't have control on what I do so please leave me be" Mikey told Swift and tugged his hand away.

"Mikey please-" Swift said.

"No Swift! No I won't go with you, No I don't want to be around people. If you love me then please let me have time to myself." Mikey said harshly.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few days then.." Swift said, avoiding eye contact with Mikey and left the room quickly.

Mikey sighed and crossed his arms. Mikey closed his door and laid on his bed with a frustrated sigh.

"Why won't he understand!" Mikey yelled into his pillow.

He sat back up when he heard the front door slammed shut. He let out a small smile and left his room to make a snack, he decided to make Ramen.

He let it cook for a while as he thought about what to do.

"I could spray paint, dance, skateboard, watch movies, play video games, draw, make new recipes" Mikey thought, he kept thinking until the timer beeped. He removed the Ramen and poured the noodles and liquid into a bowl.

He flavored it and sat on the couch, he turned on his show and began eating. He was shoving bite after bite into his mouth while smiling, he was enjoying himself. He ate his food a little too quickly so he got up and put his bowl in the sink, he decided he'll go skateboarding for a bit. He went to his room and put all his spray paint cans and drawing book into a bag, he grabbed his skateboard and head outside. He locked the door and skated along the smooth road, he plugged his headphones in and blasted upbeat music.

Mikey let out a big smile as he danced around on his board, doing twist and turns, small flips and bends. He stood straight up and let out a laugh of joy.

"God I missed this!" Mikey laughed as he skated faster.

There was a abandoned skate park in the woods, he heard about it from the locals and decided to check it out. He kept skating around until he reached grass.

"I'm not that talented yet" Mikey mumbled to himself and kicked his board up into his hands.

He walked along the trees, trying to spot the park anywhere in the distance.

Mikey decided to run, using his vampire speed for this.

Mikey loved to feel the air rush past his face as he ran, jumping over rocks, tree branches, and any holes in the ground, it made him feel alive.

He spotted the park in the distance and ran faster towards it, no one was there so he threw his skateboard down and ran behind it, he jumped up but he almost fell but he regained his balance quickly. He skated along the ramps, trying to do spins until he flipped himself onto the ramp platform.

"It's kind of lonely being here alone but I can try stuff out without being judged" Mikey said to himself. Cranking the volume of his headphones up and started to sing along.

He slid down the ramp and went behind it, a large clean slate was presented to him.

He grabbed his spray paint and decorated the wall with his favorite colors. He even did a white outline of himself on the wall, a reference from a spider man movie. Mikey always wanted to be spider man, getting to be on the top side, doing flips and spins to save to world.

After he was done he admired his worked and put his things away and continued skateboarding around.

It was Love at First Bite (Swift x Mikey)Where stories live. Discover now