Chapter 3

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It was the last day of the exam and I was fully prepared for it.

"Alright I can do this.." Iwhispered to myself.

Night soon fell and I was fully prepared for it.

I found a small berry bush and thought of eating them, I studied wild berries when reading a book and found out these berries to be not poisones.

I ate a few and drank some water from a small pond close by when I heard a sudden nose from a bush.

I quickly turned my head around to se movement in a large bush.

I unsheathed my sword an pointed it at the bush while slowly walking towards it.

"Who's there.." I said trying to call out to what is there.

All of a sudden the rustling stopped. I accidentally dropped my guard thinking nothin was there anymore, BUT NOPE! I was an idiot.

Something pounced on me and pushed me back. They pinned my arms down to the ground hard to the point where I let go of my sword. I kept my eyes shut tightly because I was scared obviously.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I slowly opened my eyes to see the boy from th beginning of the final selection.

"U-uhm.." Our faces were really close. I couldn't help but blush a little.

"A girl?!.. Get off me!" The angry boy lifted up off of me and stepped away.

I sat up and grabbe my sword. I then sheathed it and stood up and dusted off.

"What were you doing in that bush?.." I asked the boy.

"I was hunting mice!.." The boy spat back.

"Mice?.." I asked slowly. What...

"Well,yeah! I was hungry what else am I suppose to eat?!" He shouted angrily.

"Um..ok.." We stood there for a few minutes. Awkward..

"W-well..I think I'll go then.." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah yeah whatever..!" He spat out before walking away. I walked in the opposite direction he went and carried on with my journey.

SO BASICALLY, throughout the rest of the night you fought off demons, are berries, and did your best to survive! Until it was finally, it was the next day, the final selection was over.

YOUr pov:

I walked back over to the wisteria garden area where we all started. Walking through the trees I noticed there weren't as many of us as I thought there was gonna be.

There was Kanao in her usual outfit waiting for the next thing to happen.

There was that same boy with yellow hair and yellow and orange haori. His face was totally wrecked.

I saw that same boy there again, Mohawk attitude. Same guy was still alive. For some reason I felt relieved that he was alive.

Lastly I saw that boy at the beginning except..he didn't have that fox mask he wore. He also had a bandage on his forehead.

These were the only survivors of the finals section, and we had at least 20 or more to begin with.

We then all saw the two girls return back onto the small podium.

"Greetings everyone, we are happy to see you've return back in one peace.." The two 'girls' said in sync. (Sorry Kiriya)

"Now that you've all return, we would like to reward you with the passing of the exam.." The black haired child, clapped her hands twice and 4 crows and a sparrow appeared.

Everyone got crows except that yellow haired boy.

I looked at my crow and tilted my head left and it did the same. I feel like we'll get along well.

"These are your kasugai crows. These are special trained crows that send messages for missions.." The white haired twin replied.

"W-wait crows? this a sparrow?.." The yellow haired male asked.

"GET THIS OFF ME!" I was startled by the sudden outburst my crow freaked out as well.

"I DONT NEED SOME STUPID CROW!" The angry Male Trauted towards the two girls and forcefully grabbed the white females hair and yanked it up.

"I want my sword now..!" He slightly whispered to her face.

'What is this guy doing?..' My face was a bit concerned looking at the poor girl and frustrated male.

I then noticed the boy with the burgundy hair walked over to the boy. He lifted his arm and grabbed his wrist.

"Let go of her!..or I will break your wrist!" The boy said proudly. The Mohawked boy scoffed as if he didn't think the burgundy hair male wouldn't be able to break his wrist.

That's when the boy showed him wrong and with strength, he cracked it.

"Gah! The hell.." The boy backed off and held onto his wrist.

"Are you done chatting with each other..?" The black haired twin said out of the blue.

I snickered a bit and got a few stares.



After we all chosen our ores. We all were able to head home. We were informed that our swords would be mad within 10-15 days.

Which game me the best advantage to heal up.

I walked slowly back to the wind estate. I was tried, hungry, and all I wanted was ohagi. I may have the same food obsession as Sanemi because he allows me to eat some of it and I was addicted.

I was back at the headquarters and I walked down the familiar path. While I was walking I came across that boy again. Jeez I keep seeing this guy everywhere!

"Uhm hi.." I said.

"Hey.." He sounded a bit more nervous than earlier. Which was strange.

I fiddled with my hands a bit before speaking up.

"H-hey uh..where do you live?.." It was sort of blunt of me to ask where he lived, but at the same time I was a bit curious to know where a guy like he was living.

"Oh. I live at pillars estate..I'm sort of his..tsugoku.." Welp. Didn't expect that!

"O-oh!.. Really?..I didn't know.." Sort of suprised I was waiting for him to ask me the same question. Lol

"Well..uh..don't want to be weird but..where do you live?.." He asked then.

"Well I at the wind pillars estate!.." I replied. It's like I saw the color drain from his face.

"T-the..wind estate?.." He asked.

"Yes..?" I was honestly confused why his mood changed all of a sudden.

"I-..I got to go!" He pushed me away and ran his way back home.

Well I just hope I didn't do anything to offend him..

I finally arrived back to the estate. To my suprise I saw Sanemi waiting for me.

'Eh?..' being confused. I walked over to him.

"Looks like you made it. Sort of suprised.." He proceeded to pat my head and walk inside of the estate.

I felt so happy.🥺

End of chapter 3!!!!!

Sorry for late update

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