Chapter 13

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Third POV:

You rushed down the hallway of the butterfly mansion in a scurry to find out Tanjiro has awaken from his little coma. You heard not long ago that Tanjiro and the others along with the Hashira took down an upper rank.

Since then Tanjiro has been unconscious, Inosuke awakened a week or two ago and Zenitsu awoke not long ago.

You only just heard now that Tanjiro was awake.

You slammed open the door to the room, and saw Tanjiro being crowded around by the girls.

"TANJIRO!! WERE SO HAPPY YOUR OK!!" Naho cried as they all started to tear up.

Aoi had a pouted face but she was happy he was alive.

Your face was in all surprised as you saw Tanjiro laying their trying to stay awake.

"Tanjiro! Your awake! My goodness..!" You panted as you sighed with relief.

"Hey..." He murmured as he tried to look around the room.

"Don't move around so much! You only just woke up!" Aoi scolded.

"..where's...Inosuke?...and..zenitsu?.." He asked.

"Inosuke is well and fine! He's actually ready to be heading out on missions. And Zenitsu is still in recovery.." You explained. You glanced to see Kanao with wide eyes, you never seen her act so strangely.

"You ok Kanao?" You asked her boldly. She looked over at you and nodded with a small smile.

"Speaking of Inosuke, what's he doing on the ceiling?" You asked without looking up. It wasn't obvious to you that Inosuke just so randomly clung to the ceiling, I mean it was weird but you knew he was there when you walked in.

That's when everyone looked up to see Inosuke on the ceiling of the room.

"Inosuke! What are you doing!" Shouted Aoi. Inosuke started to cackle and then he jumped down on the bed.

"Good to see your awake now Ganpachiro!" He laughed.

Aoi was about to snap.

"Get off of him Inosuke!! He only just woke up!" She shouted trying to push Inosuke off the bed.

After a while they informed Shinobu about Tanjiro waking up.

He was surprisingly making a better recovery. We were all surprised by it.

You wanted to stick around for a while but you had a mission to go too sadly.

"Caw! Mission! Head South! Kiritawani Forest!" Your crow cawed to you.

You grabbed your sword and headed south to the forest.


While heading south you came across a dark scary forest..The moon was bright but even its shining light couldn't bring to shine apon the thicket forest.

You walked around with your guard up waiting for something. You heard the sound of rustling bushes from behind and held onto your sword readying it for battle. But only for you to see a small squirrel merge from the bushes.

"Oh.." You calmed yourself and turned your back on the little critter.

Only to unsheathe your sword to heard the presence of something from behind.

You swung your side horizontally and cut in half was the little squirrel.

You were shocked to say the least, you didn't mean to kill an innocent animal..

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