In a world filled with demons in a human world, you were a warrior to kill those evil man eating demons to bring human society for safety. With all training and working hard to avenge your older brother, love hits you when you start havin a hard cru...
(Ok i kinda forgot to add the part where you exchange names- i kinda forgot rhat part so just pretend you kno his name an h kbows yours already lol)
Third Person:
For the past week, you have been writing letters to Genya. Some things about training, different hobbies, and sometimes you'd meet up with him and take a walk. You thought it was a little strange though how soft he grew since you kst saw him at the final selection. But for some reason you started to feel something coming back to you.. Like this emotion of.. Love or something. It was warm, your heart was giddy. It started to grow.
You couldnt completely place your finger on it but you know it was making you happy.
Soon, Sanemi started picking up on this. He didnt want to get in all of this 'Lovey Business' as he puts it, but it would get in the way of your training.
"Your late!.." Sanemi exclaims as you come running through the training grounds.
"S-sorry..little busy.. Heh.." You stood up straight and started your total concentration constant breathing.
You started to learn total concentration constant not too long ago, and you started to get the hang of it doing it constantly. Your training was doing some reflex training and sparring combined with Sanemi.
You picked up your wooden sword and took your stance.
"This time I know Im gonna hit you!"
"I was.. S-so...close..." You fell to the ground on tour hands and knees catching your breath deeply.
"I admit. You were close to catching me, but still not enough." He said looking down at you.
You had straches and some cuts on your arms and knees due to falling down and knocked down alot.
"Your time was.. 28 minutes..! Thats a be record.. You were able to hold out for that long, you might be able to kill a lower rabk kizuki.." Your face lit up with the compliment.
"Wha?! Seriously! Thats good isnt it!" He nodded in an answer.
"Whoo! Yeah!" You jumped up with excitment.
"But.. You still have to get to more training. If you want to kill and upper rank demon." You face went back to serious and determined.
"Alright! Lets train more!"
After about 3-4 hours you were given a good break and to eat!
While you were eating a crow came through your open widen with a letter. The crow dropped the letter.
"Caw! Letter for Y/n L/n! Caw!" You looked at the letter and opened it.
To Y/n
Hey Y/n, its me again! I just wanted to know if your free tonight? This might be strange but you know how you said you enjoyed watching the stars? Well, i found a good place to stargaze. Send me a letter back if you want too!
Your heart felt like it was melting. You immediately grabbed a paper and pen and started to write.
To Genya
Hello Genya! About your letter. I would love to accompany you too stargazing! It is the one thing that make me happy, and with you there it will ve all the more! Lets meet up the special sakura tree. See you then!
Love Y/n
"Alright here! Give this to him." You handed the crow the letter and it took off. You quickly finishe your dinner for the night and grabbed your haori.
"Wher you off to so quickly?" Sanemi asks. You started to get a little nervous.
"U-uhm..well..out with... A friend!" You exclaimed acting so suspicious. But, Sanemi could care less so he shrugged it off.
"Be back by 9." You mouth formed a smile and you put on your sandals and ean out the door.
Walking along the familiar path, you turned the corner to see the beautiful sakura tree. You also saw Genya there waiting.
"Genya! Hi!" You waved at him and he turned to look at you.
"Hey!.. I got your letter.." He smiled lightly at you.
"Well. Shall we go then? Tell me whee is the best place you have found for us to star gaze hm?.." You asked as the two of you began to walk.
"Its a suprise.."
The both of you ended up in an open field beyond the forest. It was calm and settling, there were white spider lillies scattered around the wide landscape making the bright moon glow on them and thrive in light.
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(These are actually flowers)
"Wow.. Its so beautiful.." You said. You then looke up at the stars.
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How breathtaking it was.
"Theres so many.. I've never seen so many stars.. " Your eyes were too captured by it.
"Here lay down on the grass, youd get a better view then just staring straight up." He said. You took his word and laid down on the ground.
"How did you find this place?.." You asked him still admiring the stars.
"You tol me before how much you wanted to see a thousand stars.. So i found them.." You then remembered what you said.
"You want to know something really pretty?" You asked him while eating a rice ball.
"What?" Genya asked.
"Stars! The stars are just beautiful.. But not any stars..thousands and thousands of stars. I always wanted to find the perfect place to stargaze.. " You said looking up at the clouds.
"Hmm.. The stars really are beautiful.." He then turned to look at you which you were starring up at the sky.
"I do remember.."
"The stars ar beautiful.. Like you.." He complimented. A little blush tainted your cheeks.
"Thank you.."
But what comes with Love always must bring its trials to gain that love..