The Blight

355 13 5

Luz's POV


I got ready for 5 PM as I was meeting Amity then. I'm still confused as to why she invited me to HER house. From what I've heard no one but Boscha, Skara and their gang have been in the Blight Manor. But Amity also sounded tired as if she had never slept in her life, which is weird considering that she's a Blight. Maybe she's too busy studying? But that can't be since she's the top student. Also, she seemed calm talking to me as if we were friends? 

Over the past 2 days, I've noticed that she doesn't eat at lunch...Once I saw Boscha give Amity an apple but she immediately declined. I asked Willow about it but she told me to not worry about it. It was 16:30 already so I got up and started making my way to Blight Manor.

I made it to the manor and was only 15 minutes early, I knocked on the door and Amity opened the door while shouting something I couldn't make out. She turned to me and let me in. This is probably going to take long...

"Ok so...What do you want to do the project on?" I ask while she takes me to her room.

"Hmm...I was thinking that maybe you could think of that?" She replys

Wait she's letting ME PICK?! Well that's a surprise

" maybe we should do it on glyphs?" I ask hoping for a yes.

"Sure." She says emotionlessly. Wow, she really said yes to MY idea. This is going great.

An hour passed and so far it's going well. She listened to every word I said when talking about glyphs, which is surprising since she dislikes me but she looked cute when she listened so I'm not complaining, the way her eyes light up every time she turns her focus to me... it's kind of... addicting. Wait is she planning to make fun of me at school or something? I tapped the light glyph I was showing and it morphed into a light orb. I watched as Amity's eyes widened and stared in awe. Damn, she looks really pretty right now. 

I heard A door being slammed, I turned to Amity confused but was pushed into the closet ;) before I could even ask. As soon as I realized what was happening a woman burst in.

"Amity Blight! What is the meaning of this! you got a B+?!" The woman's which I assume is her mom's voice boomed.

"Right! I'm sorry Mother...I'll make sure that won't happen again" Amity replied trying to sound brave but I could hear that she was afraid. Wow, I've never heard her this scared...Well just scared in general. It's concerning since she has no fear.

"You better or else you'll get locked into the 'room' again! Now because of this, you aren't allowed to eat for another week!" Her mom shouted. Wait not allowed to eat for another week? What...And the 'Room' what does she mean by that?

"Yes, mother" Amity looked even more terrified after the 'room' was mentioned.

And just like that, her mom left with me being even more confused. Amity re-opened the closet and told me to be quiet. 

"What was that about?" I whisper trying to get answers.

"Oh, nothing... but you should go before my parents find you..." She muttered something else but I couldn't hear, so I left it be.

"Alright...See you at school" I smiled and she did the same. Wow, she has an amazing smile...she should do that more.

I jumped out the window and like that, I was left wondering what just happened. I went back to the owl house and went straight to bed, I was far too tired to do anything else. I lay there wondering what just happened. 


Welp thank you for reading the second chapter. With this one i've had ideas with but just didn't know how to write it so i hope this is good! 

But i shall see you sometime soon! maybe this month or next, like i said the update are now random 

Once again thank you for reading this and have a nice day/night!

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