Something different

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Luz's POV

It's been a few days since that Blight incident...I still can't seem to figure out what the 'room' has got to do with anything! But Amity looked so scared at the mention of it so I can't just ask her. I also noticed that Amity didn't eat lunches at all anymore. Must have been because of her mother. But still, Amity should at least eat something! She hasn't eaten in what? two weeks now. That's it I'm asking her! (Don't question that logic of not eating for 2 weeks just go with it ;-;)

"AMITY! I need to talk to you." I yelled trying to get her attention. Which luckily, it did.

"Ugh...Hum- Luz what do you need?" She responded wait did she say my name? that doesn't matter right now, I need answers

Before I could answer her, I dragged her to an empty classroom. And pinned her to a nearby wall. I knew the position we were in, but it's not the time to Bi Panic.

"We need to talk about what happened at the manor," I said coldly, hoping she would answer my questions.

"Look there is nothing to talk about." She said trying to sound confident but failed terribly.

"Yes, there is!" I snapped at her. "Amity it's very clear that what happened back there, was something bad... i- I just want to help you..." I said more quietly, really hoping she would at least tell me something.

"Why do you want to help me...? I've been mean to you all this time, I don't deserve your help...really! And besides what happened at Blight Manor was nothing I swear" She stated. What does she mean by 'don't deserve your help?' "Amity! I want to help you but I can't if you won't tell me! Please..." At this point, I sounded desperate but I don't care, I wanted to know what was happening.

"Luz... Just forget about it ok? This doesn't include you... so I'm sorry but you can't help... But I'll tell you this though, You can't fix what's beyond repair..." She says sadly. But she continued anyways. "Luz, just pretend this never happened before you get hurt.

I just looked at her blankly as she pushed me off her and walked away. 'You can't fix what's beyond repair?' 'You get hurt?' what does that mean? Now I'm even more confused! She sounded sad, but I can't just leave it be! Whatever this is, it's hurting Amity, I can't just stand there and do nothing. Now I have even more questions! 

*time skip*

It's been 3 days since it happened, Even though I was left even more confused, Amity looked like she forgot it even happened! 

We were changing for games, when I turned to see Amity changing, I blushed furiously, WOW AMITY WAS BUFF! I didn't mean to stare at her for so long but I noticed something Amity has a lot of scars on her back... I wonder how she got them... I was brought back to reality when I felt something punch my arm, I turn to see Willow staring at me confused.

"Hey, you okay luz? You've been staring at Amity for like 5 minutes now" 5 MINUTES! THAT FELT LIKE 10 SECONDS! I guess I really have a massive crush on Amity huh?

"Oh yeah I'm fine! Just zoned out there" I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Willow looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Really? Because ever since you went over to Amity's house you out...Wait did Amity do something to you? I swear if she threatened you to do something I will-" I interrupted her before she started assuming something. "What- No! It's just I really wish I could read my fanfics right now...I really miss them!" 

Willow looked at me confused looking like she was going to ask me something before turning away to go to the gym. I turned back to see where Amity stood, to then see her gone. Ugh, she must have gone when I talked with Willow. Darn you Willow! I really wanted to see Amity's fit body...Wait that sounds weird...I blushed even more. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I'm not in the same class as her as well! Heck.


What's up guys! So thank you for reading chapter 3! I had a kind of different idea for this chapter but then i realized that it didn't really make sense so i kind of changed it but honestly i like this much more! The only thing i added was the classroom bit since that bit was about luz watching amity talking to boscha while amity was reading by a tree and boscha started making fun of her and luz just stood there not knowing if she should stand up to boscha or to leave so she stalked amity and found out the there was going on at home but didnt find out what lol

But anyways i hope you liked it! See you guys next time!

Hope you have a nice day/night!

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