Chapter One: Gifting Ceremony.

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(Side note: You/Yasmine is 5, this is the past)
You woke up, a bit late, did You stay up all night playing with your dolls..? Probably...You knew you should've listened to Maribel, maybe if you did you would've woke up early. Before you could even get out of bed, your tía, Pepa, entered your room, she seemed suuuuuuper happy, (and I mean SUUUUUPER happy). "Buenas tardes! You woke up pretty late, even though it's your special day!" A rainbow appeared above her head, she smiled down on you, who was confused about what she meant. "What do you mean, Pepa?" You cocked your head to the side in confusion. "Did you forget already? Today's your Gifting Ceremony! Good thing you woke up about...4 hours before! Did you go to sleep late..?" She asked, You slowly nodded your head.
Pepa hugged you and kissed your forehead, "I'm excited, you should get ready, Bruno is outside decorating. When you finish, go to him!" You nodded and waved goodbye as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Today was the day of your gifting ceremony!! You're so excited to get your gift, would it possibly be like Isabella? Or would it be like Luisa? Maybe...Antonio? You don't know, You're just so excited! Well, maybe you should get ready, like Pepa said. And with that, you brushed your curly, dark brown hair, put it into pigtails, brushed your teeth, washed your face, and left your room.

Everyone seemed busy, for example, Bruno and Camilo were putting up the banners, Isabella was tending the plants, and Luisa and Mirabel were making little bits of confetti. You walked up to Bruno and Camilo, Camilo waved, and smiled at you, so did Bruno,"Hey, kid, are you excited?" Bruno asked, while he stepped down from the stool, you nodded very quickly and hugged him. He hugged you back and picked you up, You felt like you were flying! "I'm excited too, my precioso, I can't wait!" He smiled again, then put you down. "Go ahead n' see Abuela, Rose might be there with her, they're...somewhere.." You nodded, and waved goodbye as you left.

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