Chapter One, Part Two: Gifting Ceremony

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After a few minutes of searching, You finally found Abuela and Mama, they were talking about something. You decided you wanted to scare them, so you sneaked up behind them, and shouted "Boo!" Your mama and Abuela laughed and greeted you. "What are you two talking about?" You asked, curiously. "Your gifting ceremony, we both are truly excited." Abuela said, smiling at you. "Oh, cariño, I'm so happy for you, you're growing so fast...!" Your mom wrapped you in a warm hug. "Yasmine, the ceremony is starting soon, please, get ready." Abuela said, your mother releases you from her warm hug, and off you go to your room to change.

Once you enter your room again, you quickly get dressed in a very pretty dress, it wasn't much, but you still liked it! Your parents were calling you, and you got even more excited! "Yasmine! The ceremony is starting soon!" Your parents said, and after they did, You ran out.

"Today is the day, you got this, Yasmine! Just walk down and rightfully claim that gift that is yours."
You say to yourself, whilst making your way into the ceremony. When you entered, everyone was there, waiting silently, all you had to do, is walk towards the door. But, you were too shy, you just needed to walk down with someone, you motioned your brother, DeMarco, to walk down with you and surprisingly, he was willing to. He held your hand as you both walked down to the door, and when you both reached the staircase that lead to the door, he let go. You walked up the staircase, and inhaled and exhaled.

"Will you gladly, serve this community, and strengthen our home..?"
Abuela asked you, and lowered the candle towards you, you nodded. Yasmine walked towards the door, and rested your hand upon the knob. The door lit up, with gold, and it looked beautiful.
All of the sudden, your eyes have a faint light emitting from them, but that's not important. Everyone is confused on what's happening, but they are waiting patiently. You see something, a vision, of the past..? After you saw the vision, You quickly take out a pencil, and a paper, and drew the vision. You showed Abuela, and her eyes lit up, it was her, from the past. The door opened and everyone cheered, happy that you received your gift. The room was covered in artifacts, old paintings, and most of all, it was somewhat big. The bed was a canopy bed, that hangs from the ceiling.
To celebrate, the wonderful party has begun, with delicious foods and joy.

But, that was when you were five, so, let us go back to the present.
Chapter 1: End.

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