UPDATE: Starting Over

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HII, so I know I've been dead for a while and I'm sorry, but now that I'm reading back on the story I might just write a different story. I'm sorry to those who were HELLA interested in this but the writing is so trash tbh I'll be using a different prompt as-well that ACTUALLY has a exposition, rising act, climax, etc etc. I might start on it on Saturday or Friday, since I have school of course. And during Spring Break I'll continue with it throughout the week, so yeah 💗. I also have many tests to study for (even though they're diagnostics), so I'll only post during the weekends and breaks I have from school. Anyways, love y'all byeee!
   -gabby 😍

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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