Chapter Three: How Odd

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"Hey, Yasmine, wake up."
A familiar voice said in your dream
"Waaaake uuuup~!"
The voice got closer, until eventually, you realized who it was. You jolted awake, and as expected, you see your brother, the dream manipulator himself, DeMarco. This was his way of waking you up, by manifesting his way into your dreams. "Huh? What do you need..?" You said groggily, rubbing your eyes. He smirked, and pulled out a crumbled piece of paper from his pocket. "Found this, thought you might know what it is, since, y'know, I found it in here." He handed you the crumbled paper, and you opened it, he leaned in as he saw you opening the paper. It was the note from your "Mama", Without hesitation, DeMarco snatched the paper clean out of your hands and began to read it.

"Dear, Yasmine, you don't know where I am, and yet, I don't know where I am either. I miss you."
-Rosemarie Madrigal, your loving Mama.
"It sucks how it was sent to you, and only you." He huffed. "I don't think that's our actual Mama, DeMarco." You said, though you were unsure if it was or not, you insisted on saying that whoever sent the message, wasn't your mother at all. "Well, if they know your name, why wouldn't you think that's our Mama?" DeMarco replied, "Marc, everyone here in this wonderful community knows us, it could be anybody. Think about i-" You were cut off by him "What if she's far away? What if she sent it from outside of the community?"

You are no empath, but you could feel he was panicking. You decided to hug him, and right in that moment, he broke out in tears. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just worried...ever since she left after your gifting ceremony, I've been worried sick about her.." He stated, he was holding onto you hella tight. You rocked him gently, "..Do you want me to let go, querido?" You asked. His grip on you felt stronger after you said that, "No, please don't.." He sulked more. "Don't worry, I won't.."
(ahaaha this hurt to write ngl)

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