Chapter Two: The Present.

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Eight years ago, was your gifting ceremony. You develop memory issues, and you have to rely on your gift. Your mama went missing in a blizzard the morning after the ceremony, leaving you and everyone else sad and distraught.
The vision ends, and leaves you with a carving of your mama in the blizzard, when you turn it away, it shows your mama vanishing. This left you confused, at first it showed your mama, but as soon as you turn it a different angle, she's not there anymore. "Odd." Out of nowhere, you hear a knock on your door, you were too busy trying to figure out the vision and you couldn't open up the door. You hear a small sigh coming from behind the door, and it opens, it was Annalise.

"Buenos días, little one." She giggled and grinned, you hated when she called you little one, it made you feel like a baby. You and your sister don't have the best relationship, she annoys you most of the time. "Goodmorning to you, too..." You mumbled, it was still loud enough for her to hear though. She smirked. "Oooo..whatcha got here?" She picked up the carving of the vision you had, looking at the picture closely. "Do you know who that is..?" Annalise asked "I'm pretty sure it's Mama. I can't remember her face perfectly since it's been so long, but I know that that's her, it just has to be." You said softly. "Mmhmm..I've known our Mama before you and DeMarco were born, and I'll tell you, I don't think that looks like her. You sure that isn't a random woman..?" She asked, you shook your head no, it couldn't be.. "Why would I just have random visions of different people, I'm pretty sure I can only have visions of people I know.." You shifted your eyes to the carving.

"Hm..well then, take your vision or whatever.." She threw it back onto your bed, and left. "Maybe I should..ask Papa about it...I mean, maybe he'll know if it's Mama or not..?" You say to yourself. You get out of bed, and take the carving with you, you leave your room. As soon as you left, Mirabel was standing in front of you. "Good morning, Yasmine! I was just coming to tell you that breakfast is starting soon." She ruffled your hair, smiling. You smiled back at her, "Uhm..Bel, do you know who this is..?" You showed her the carving of the vision. She tilted her head, trying to make out the facial features, "I think I've seen them before, but at the same time I don't know..I'm sorry, cariño.." She rested her hand on your shoulder. "Now, lets get some breakfast, okay?" She smiled yet again, you nodded and she held your hand as you two walked out to the table for breakfast.

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