(3) Revelation

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After an entire day of asking around town, I sadly was unable to dig up any information about the magic. I felt horrible about going back to Casa Madrigal without any sort of lead to help out Mirabel. I really wanted to help her after how much she'd helped me. I knock on the front door, and it flies open. Standing in front of me is a woman I recognized from last night, Dolores. She wasn't hard to pick out in a crowd, as she always had her thick hair tied into a bun decorated with a big red bow, and her ears prominently stuck out.

"You got to the door fast," I mention. "Is your gift super-speed?"

"No. I could hear you walking down the path to our house." Dolores explains.

It clicks. Dolores must have really good hearing! "Anyways, I'm sorry to barge in but Mirabel was expecting me. Is she in her room?" I ask.

Dolores pauses for a brief moment, tilts her head, and nods. "You can go see her."

"Thanks!" I say, already running up the steps to the nursery. I knock on the green-wooden door and slowly turn the knob to walk inside.

"(yn)! Thank goodness you're here!" Mirabel exclaims, rushing over to me. She shoves her embroidered bag into my hands. "Look at this!"

I open up the bag and peer inside. A couple dozen or so glass shards were resting there, all of which were glowing an eerie green. "What are they?" I ask, picking up a piece to examine it.

"Well, long story short, I snuck into my Uncle Bruno's old room and found these shards. I think they have some sort of message about the future of Casa Madrigal's magic!" She explains.

"But these are just pieces of glass."

Mirabel takes back her bag and dumps the shards onto the table. She puts together three of the shards, and they reveal a picture of her. "I think," Mirabel swallows a lump in her throat. "I think I might have something to do with the magic vanishing.

"Well, we don't know that the magic is disappearing for sure..." I say in an attempt to comfort her.

Mirabel doesn't look at me. "My sister...she started losing her gift earlier today..."

I gasp and suddenly have a horrible thought. "Is Camilo okay?" My cheeks heat up. "...And everyone else of course."

"For now...I need to know what the future holds." She says, slowly trying to put the pieces of glass together.

Suddenly the door opens, and Camilo's mom walks in, with a raging storm cloud above her head.

Mirabel and I jump in union and turn around. "Tía! Jeez," Mirabel exclaims.

Camilo's mom nervously smiles as she sets down a crate on the dresser. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to..." She looks above her and sees the cloud. "Shoo shoo shoo!" She exclaims, grabbing the cloud and shutting it out of the room. I just wanted to get the last of Antonio's things and then I heard...the name...we do not speak." Clouds begin forming. Then she notices me. "Who are you?"

I nervously smile, hoping she didn't recognize me as the girl who was on the roof with her son from last night. "My name is (Yn). I came over because..." I look to Mirabel who nervously nods. "Because Mirabel promised to teach me how to do embroidery!" I quickly finish.

Mirabel nods in agreement. "Oh yeah. You should see (Yn)'s stitching...yikes!"

"hm... I could've sworn I've seen you somewhere before." Camilo's mom says, eyeing me up and down.

"Nope. I don't think so!"

She shrugs her shoulders and finally notices the cloud that formed above her head. "Great, now I'm thundering! and then the thunder will turn into a drizzle and a drizzle will lead to a sprinkle..." She begins pacing back and forth.

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