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A moment of silence passed over the collected students as they all stared at Maria like she grew another head, slapped them, and threw gold in their face all at the same time.

Needless to say, they were stunned to shock, as their jaws hit the floor.

"QUIRKLESS?!" was the response of all the collected, only a few who were more emotionless than the others held it in.

"But the zombie-"

"But the smoke-"

"The levitation-"

"The analysis-"


They cut each other off as each of them tried to speak over each other, all asking about different parts of the performance that a quirkless couldn't pull off.


"Smoke machine."



"I'm just better Bakubitch."

Brushing each question off with a few words per response, Maria angers Bakugo, and stretches before continuing.

"I'll explain it all later, but later when it's revealed enough okay?"

Talking, or in Bakugo's case yelling, over her offer with more questions, mostly centered around that mysterious "friend" (Read: Brother) of hers, she huffs and sits down, just speaking to Izuku in her thoughts.

'How long until they stop?'

'I'd give until All Might regains his bearings.'

Just as Izuku said it, All Might clears his throat, bringing the clamoring students to a halt, and all the attention is brought back to him.

"I'm sure you have many questions, but now is not the time. Now is to train. Later is to speak!"

With this, the rest of the events commenced.

Izuku starts analyzing them, and giving pointers to Maria on how they did well, not so well, and how they could improve. Jotting them down, and making it look like she's the one analyzing, Momo once again looks over, and sees her (Izuku's) analysis, reaffirming to herself that she should bring Maria over to study with.

As the battles draw to a close, and Izuku continues to spout about how Momo and Ochako could've fought with swords instead of pelting with nuts and bolts, as well as how Jirou and Iida could've done recon before charging. Maria, just letting him mumble as she'd already gotten used to it, walks down the halls, dodging any incoming people as she makes her way to the class.

Thinking of one last thing, she talks to Izuku before he could mumble on longer.

'You didn't get to use the knives in the training, but they're going to be sharp now, so be careful.'

Getting a thumbs up from Izuku, as he flies up to cause more trouble, Maria sits down in her chair, waiting for the bell to ring and signify the end of the day.

Ignoring the people in front of her trying to get answers, and brushing off the pushy ones, she kicks away Mineta who tried to grope her before packing her bag as the bell goes off.

Leaving UA, and dragging Izuku with her, she sees Momo out front waiting for her, and as she walks by, Momo hands her a letter before waving goodbye and walking off. Pocketing the letter, the Izaria duo goes home, singing and dancing along to duets through their mental link.

Arriving back at the apartment, Maria knocks and enters as Izuku inspects the graffiti and trash that again piled up. Grumbling to himself, he starts to clean the entrance so that it isn't dirty, and waits there for his next victim.

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