11: It Could've been Normal

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It all started with a regular day. The day after Maria went to Momo's home, and discussed quirk ideas. It started with Izuku waking Maria up with obnoxious singing, and continued as Maria cleaned up, checked her sleepwear incase Izuku dumped glitter in it, wearing it to eat breakfast, then washing up and getting properly dressed.

Izuku prepared a bag of snacks, water, a few notebooks, a pack of pencils, all they textbooks they needed, and a power bank for Maria's phone. The bag itself had also been modified by Izuku, who stitched on an additional "knife pouch" which sat on the bottom of the bag, and contained a singular blade, without a handle. Izuku also dumped Maria's and his wallet into the bag, but it had nothing in it, it was just there in case they got mugged, so they can throw it and run.

As they walked to UA again that day, Izuku was still foaming at the mouth to analyze quirks they came across, whether that be the mutation types they walked past, or the villain fight that had been going on a few blocks down. Izuku had already filled his 20th notebook, and was almost now done with his 21st. Maria considered getting a electronic notebook and pen so he would stop filling so many notebooks, but pushed it off to later since they didn't have the money.

'Oh there's a new fight downtown! I'm going to look!'

Maria looked up, and saw Izuku flying off to who knows where. To others, it looked like a floating notebook and pen going through the air at impossible speeds, but to Maria it looked like her crazy brother was going to make a mess of a crime scene, and possibly scare a dozen more people with his analysis. Maria vowed then if he ended up on the news somehow, she wasn't going to let him write at all for the next few weeks.

Onto other matters, Maria continued down her road as Izuku chattered away on the telepathic link, and didn't pay much attention in front of her. That was until she ran into someone.

"Oof! Sorry!"

Waving her hand around as she bowed, rubbed her hand, and apologized at the same time, she stopped as she recognized the clothes the other wore.

"Maria? I'm truly sorry."

Snapping her head up, Maria quickly registered who she just walked into, and also realized why she felt like she hit a brick wall.


As Maria looked at the rich girl who she ran into, she started to scream internally, but outwardly she just froze. Momo just righted her as they were starting to get stares, before starting to drag along Maria to go to UA. Maria was still stunned though, since she thought Momo would've been driven to school.

"Wai- Hold on. Don't you get driven?"

Snapping out of her stupor and matching Momo's pace, she was a little reluctant to respond, but did so anyway.

"My mother said I shouldn't rely so much on the family, so she had me move to a new place. It's a few roads up here, and my father, protective as ever, did a through check through the entire building to make sure its fine."

Getting on the subway to go to UA, Maria and Momo had small talk and small discussions, ending with Maria complaining about Izuku and his habit of filling notebooks, and Momo offering to get Izuku the notebook tablets so he wouldn't be clogging up the shelves with his notebooks. 

As Maria was quick to deny it, Momo pushed down her complaints with a few reasonings.

"My father got me one, but I prefer to use physical notebooks since I can make them on the fly, unlike the tablet should it run out of power or something. I heard he tried to order a battery that could charge itself, but the posting was quickly taken down for scams, so it was good it didn't buy it."

Reluctantly accepting the offer, Maria felt bad, but after some more convincing on Momo's part that she didn't need to pay it, eventually Momo gave a compromise that it was paying Maria back for helping Momo understand her quirk better.

Walking up to UA, they begin discussing yesterdays exercise, and what could've been done in time to make sure everything went better than it did. From the building's construction, to specific events, they talked about everything. They stopped outside of 1-A's doors, and there they exchanged their addresses after Maria got approval from Izuku.

Going on, the usual chaos settled in, and they made their way to their desks, Jirou having stabbed the grape pervert in the eye after he commented how they came in together, and would be a great pair he'd love to watch do the deed.

Aizawa came in soon after, grumbling about something, before placing his cup of coffee at the lectern in front of the class, tired but ready for the day ahead. 

"Alright class. I'll be discussing your performances during the last exercise."

Pulling out a remote, he started his presentation, going over the things people could've done better, what mistakes they made, and rating them all personally. He specifically pointed out Maria at the end, complimenting her on her plan, but also scolding her over the smuggled items, and security breach that was her bringing her 'friend' in. 

Aizawa knew who Izuku was, and how he was related to Maria's quirk, but so, his excessive smuggling was something he wasn't going to let go. Other than that, it was simply nezu's request to pretend he didn't know who Izuku was, so that Maria could retain her quirkless status so he could know who in 1-A wasn't a good apple, and could expel them.

Aizawa sighed outwardly as he finished the presentation, iffed at the principle's antics, but nonetheless followed them lest he lose his paycheck.

"Another announcement, today you all will be going to the USJ. You will be practicing rescue operations there, so bring your hero gear or not, since some of you may have a harder time with it on. In any case, we'll be appointing a class president."

The students began to cheer at the thought of getting a class president, most of them wanting it to be them. Mineta was quick to state what he'd do, forcing the girls to wear the equivalent of a miniskirt, but after a tongue-slap by Tusyu, he shut up.

"Calm down! As students of the prestigious UA, we need to calmly proceed with a vote! Democracy is the best choice when deciding for the masses!"

Raising his hand the highest and straightest, Ilda was the one who gave the suggestion, and after a bit of heckling and bickering, the class followed. Aizawa was too tired to deal with it, so he just let it happen. the votes were counted up, and after everything was said and done, Momo and Maria were chosen as the vice president and president respectively. Momo gave a quick speech about how she hoped to live up to the expectations for her role, and Maria simply just waved.

Finishing that, the bell rang right on schedule, and the next period began as Mic entered screaming, and everyone was happily discussing the USJ, mistaking it for Univeral Studios, and not what Aizawa was actually going to bring them too.

Present Mic went through the english lesson fairly well, and after him came Ectoplam, who taught math. After the math lesson came history by Midnight, and then lunch. Maria was happy to eat UA's food again, especially since it was made by Lunch-Rush, and listen to Izuku who came back, filled notebook in hand, ranting about how All Might took down a villain named "Habit Headgear" who was holding a family hostage.

Maria hoped today would be a normal UA day. No pranks, no villains, and no having to beat up fellow students.

Her wishes were soon dashed as an alarm rang through the lunch area, detailing a level 3 security breach.

Groaning, Maria just faceplanted the table as chaos rang through the hall, and groaned from her spot on the table.

"Why can't we have a normal day?"

'In UA? NO WAY!'

Getting up, Maria started making her way with the students who kept trying to shove their way through the doors, and got ready to deal with the headache-inducing rest of the day.

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