Chapter Twelve

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(Loki's Pov)


It had been just about a month now since Loki last saw her, and he had started to become worried. Why hadn't Y/N appeared again? Had he just not realised? Did something happen?

Thor barged into his room, not even bothering to knock.

"What, Thor?" Loki sighed from his position against his bed's headboard, glancing in his brother's direction. He had been deep in thought about this matter, combing through all the possibilities of he and Y/N's predicament.

"It's Stark, he has found something." Thor said, panting like he had run the entire way here. He did realise he could fly, didn't he? Thor had left for Midgard a few days ago, not gone nearly long enough to earn him the right to intrude into Loki's room.

Loki quirked his brow. "Why is this important?"

"It's about Y/N."

Loki was up from his bed in an instant, ready to rush off to wherever the fight was. Wherever he needed to go. "What- what do you mean?"

"She wasn't killed." He said, "She was taken."

What in the norns was he talking about? He watched her die. Loki watched Y/N die. Thor was there. They all were. She had turned into nothing. 

"No- No. Thor, I watched her leave. Remember? You were there. She was in my arms, and I couldn't save her." She couldn't be alive. There was no way. He was a cruel brother to give his hopes up like this. It's been months since Loki's seen her, weeks since he had one of those visits. It wasn't possible.

"It wasn't a canon, it was a teleporter."

"Shut up."

"She may still be alive, brother."

Still be alive? Still be alive!?

"Don't give me hope, Thor. I lost my soulmate. I can't feel her. I haven't seen her. As much as I hate it, Y/N is gone!" Loki choked a sob back, not daring to show any more emotion than his outburst. But when such a sensitive topic was mentioned, it became hard to keep his feelings in.

Thor said nothing for a moment, instead fishing something from his pocket. He forced it in Loki's hand, a hurt expression on his face. But he didn't voice his obvious frustration.

"What is this?" Loki asked, looking at the small coin-like mechanical thing.

Thor pressed the button on the top of it, a hologram appearing before him. It looked like a weapon of some sort, and he slowly realised which one. "Stark found the blueprints. You're smart, does this not teleport instead of disintegrate?"

Loki stared at the thing before him. Thor was right, this canon wasn't meant to destroy. It was meant to take something- someone.

"She's alive?" Loki asked, hope in his heart yet again. Y/N was alive- at least there was a chance. A chance she wasn't dead. "She's alive." He didn't know what to think. After all this time, nearly three months since that battle, and she was alive. "Where?"

"We're figuring that out." It was all the answer Thor could provide, and it was enough for now. Almost. All they needed was where. "You haven't..." He trailed off, Loki shaking his head. If he had any idea where she was, he would've gone in a heartbeat. Off to save her, with or without Thor.

While Loki kept staring at the slightest bit of hope in front of him, Thor turned to leave. Before he was out the door however, Loki called out. "Thank you."

"You deserved to have hope."


Every day after Thor's visit, Loki waited for any sign of where Y/N was. A sign from her, the connection, Stark, hell- he would accept a sign from Odin right about now. But nothing came, and the days pushed on. And pushed on, and pushed on, and pushed on. A day became a week of patience. A week into two, then a month of waiting. A month and a day, into two months.

Still no sign of anything.

Until one day when he was pacing the alleys of the palace garden, and a certain pull led him to the center of the florals. Where he had seen her on the bench the first time this happened- although instead of the bench, she was sitting against the hedges on the edge of the garden. With her head held high, and dress draped perfectly around her.

"Y/N?" He asked, walking until he could see her. She glanced up with a smile, meeting his eyes. It seemed there was a flash of regret in them, although that perfect smile covered it up.

"I'm sorry." She spoke, feigning a confidence. "I... I was just so tired, Loki. So tired."

"Tired of what, love?" He crouched down, although she went silent for a few moments after that. Her face was plastered into a smile of his memories, although he could tell there was more. There was something else. "Y/N, please. Where are you?"

Her eyes studied his face, before her body started to waver. Not flickering, like last time, but unfold and change into what he could only assume she looked like now.

And it broke his heart. He still couldn't see her true form, except that now she wasn't faking happiness. She didn't have that plastered smile. Now, Y/N was sitting with her knees to her chest, sobbing. Still in that dress from his memory, but she wore actual expressions. And her eyes- oh, she was in so much pain. Emotional pain, physical pain shown every so often when she winced as a sob hit too hard.

"Y/N, Darling, look at me." He whispered, when her sobs finally quieted enough. "I'm going to find you, but I need a sign. Something to find you." Now her form flickered, and he knew he was out of time. "Just one word."

"Thanos." And she disappeared.


"Brother- Loki! Wait." Thor was calling from behind him, as Loki headed down the rainbow bridge. He hadn't any time to get a horse, and frankly he was too desperate to realise he could teleport. Or use the hammer Thor was flying towards him with either.

Thor landed in front of him, stopping Loki.

"Move, Thor. I need to get to her." He attempted to sidestep his brother, as Thor countered his every move.

"Loki, you are in no state." He placed a hand on his shoulder to stop the endless game, Loki quickly brushing it off. He hadn't the time for this.

"I know where she is."


"She told me." Thor stepped back a second, shocked. Of course he was, but with all the magic constantly around him Thor bounced back quickly.

"You've talked to Y/N? I thought you said-"

"She's in trouble, Thor. She's hurt, and I need to get to her before he hurts her more." Loki definitely wasn't in a right state, if he was admitting all of this. 


"Thanos! That's fucking who! She's stuck in the void where I was tortured. She's being tortured, Thor!" Loki couldn't help it. He never wanted her to feel it when he was there, and now she had to actually go through the entire experience. He didn't want Y/N to end up like he did. Or worse.

"Loki..." His brother warned. But any malice in his voice died out, because even he couldn't deny Loki this. How could you tell someone to back down from finally doing something truly heroic?

"Don't 'Loki' me! I need to save her now, Thor." Loki insisted, something inside him breaking when he still didn't move out of the way. "Please."

"We will, brother. But we need preparations. We need the Avengers. We need a plan." Thor attempted to reassure him, although it wasn't helping. Months she's been trapped in that hell, over half a year since he first lost her.

He couldn't live with himself if he let her suffer one day more.

Still, Loki grit his teeth at Thor's reason. It was something he knew all too well, when he tried to stop Thor from doing something so incredibly stupid. Like running off into battle alone to face an enemy he had been defeated by before. "I know. I just- I can't let her stay there."

"So we shall save her. Together, Loki." Thor was right. They needed a plan, they needed more help than just the two of them.


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