⭐️🍄Its all gonna be fine🍄⭐️

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(YOOO OMG FINALLY A REQUEST!!!! I AM SO HAPPY OMGGGGG AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!  3llie-is-here The idea was not cringe at all! I really liked the idea sooo I'm doing that! If it wasn't what you wanted just comment again and I'll gladly make a new one!

also small note for everyone Iryn (My friend and the person who edits for the story) is still grounded so- I can't post the other chapters yet or actually i can i just really don't want to but he should be ungrounded by Wednesday so the gift chapters should be out by at LEAST Friday or Saturday. If npt you guys can be mad its ok lol, ) 

𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: All the SBI siblings were born with wings. It was a given, I mean both their parents were part bird. One afternoon Wilbur starts noticing somethings wrong with his wings they are becoming really droopy and the color began to fade. At first it didn't really bother him until he couldn't move his wings at all. That's when the family received some devastating news...

(Wil and Techno are 13 Tommy is 5)


"I'm sorry to inform you but your son has developed a really bad circovirus. It's traveling really fast- and at this rate we're afraid we have to amputate his wings..." (L- Pretend I know what I'm talking about.) The doctor 'Dr. Karl Jacobs' told them.

"Amputate?!" Wilbur shrieked jumping out of his chair before Techno pulled him back down.

"Now please- Dr. Jacobs there has to be something else! We can't just cut his wings off!" Kristin argued a desperate and sad expression on her face. Phil placed a hand on her shoulder.

Karl looked at her sympathetically, "Mrs. I understand your concern but trust me. It's better to get them removed."

"That doesn't hurt?" Asked Tommy but everyone ignored him. 

"That's the thing- I don't think you can't understand. I'm sorry to say it that way but you don't have kids or wings. It's important to us. Losing your wings it's- it's hard..." She explained to him. Karl only nodded.

"You're right I don't have kids or wings. However I do have a husband-" He showed them his hand where two shiny rings laid. " - Two in fact. But one is part duck. I remember he was so proud of his wings. They were beautiful golden color, however they were ruined." Karl frowned. Phil and Kristin feeling a bit guilty.

"He caught a similar disease. We tried everything. We really did we tried to save his wings. The process was only killing him faster." He explained.

"I'm so sorry mate-" Phil began before Karl cut him off. "Wait- no no no no it's fine! I promise my he's fine now! Forgive me if I made it sound any other way!" He laughed a bit. "He just doesn't have his wings. That's all."

"Well... in that case..."


It had been a week since they had cut Wilburs wings off. He wasn't feeling all that good about it. He had been moody recently and just ignored everyone. Well everyone being everyone except his brothers.

"You doin' alright Wil?" His twin prompted as walked into the shared bedroom.

"Fuck off..." Wilbur mumbled burying himself deep in the covers.

Techno walked over to the bed sitting in the corner of Wilburs feet. "What would they think of you cursing?"

"I don't care what they think. They didn't care about what I thought about them chopping off my fucking wings!" Wilbur exclaimed not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"Wil you know it was for your own good." Technoblade rubbed Wil's back to encourage him to get up. "I know, save me the speech." He said rolling over to look at his brother.

"Wilbur what would happen it traveled to your actual body? You heard the guy it was killing his husband! You have a death wish or something? Seriously..." Techno huffed pushing his  curtain bangs away from his face.

Wilbur sat up next to Techno. "I know that Tech it's just- You still have yours and so does everyone else. It makes me the odd one out and without wings that just makes me a normal boring human. I think that the pretty wings made me special and now I don't even have them." Wilbur frowned.

Techno let out a small gasp. "Wil are you kidding me?! You are the least normal person ever! You're a literal nerd!" He exclaimed.

"Thank you Technoblade that makes me feel sooo much better..." Wilbur said sarcastically.

"No I didn't mean it that way. I just look you write and play songs extremely well. You're smart. You have... decent clothing taste. You obviously look good I mean your related to me duh." Techno flipped his hair making Wilbur laugh.

"So yeah your a nerd but you're also cool. You care about people. You give good advice. You get very passionate about simple things like- You and Tommy spent like three hours talking about flowers! Basically what I'm saying Wil is you are not normal but does it have to be a bad thing?" Techno asked. Wilbur gave him a smirk.

"The blade's gone soft." Wilbur said in a sing-song voice. "Oh shut up!" Techno softly punched his arm.

"You didn't deny it!" Wilbur laughed tackling Techno from behind. Both boys starting a play fight that ended with them falling to the floor in a fit of laughter.


Techno convinced Wilbur to come downstairs saying he had a surprise.

"Can't you just tell me what it is? I'm tired! I want to sleep!" Wilbur whined. "You've been sleeping all day! Stop being a baby and come on!" Techno pushed him forward Tommy following them giggling.

Wilbur walked downstairs seeing a bunch of flying equipment (Mostly for Tommy) and his parents waiting by the door. "What is this?" Wilbur asked. "We're going flying!" His mom smiled brightly. Wilbur looked at his feet. "Oh..."- "Stop that!" The pink-haired boy nudged him.

"You're coming too Wil!" Tommy smiled putting on his support gear. "Tommy I don't have wings anymore..." He explained. "Yeah you do! Look!" Tommy smiled turning around and trying to grab a huge red box with simmering gold lace. "Its a present." Tommy smiled. 

Wilbur opened the packaging. "Holy shit! No way!" The brunette shouted with bliss.  "Hey! No swearing!" His dad scolded, but in the moment Wil could care less. 

"You're Welcome." Techno snorted. Wilbur took out a vest with mechanic realistic looking wings. "They cost so much though! Where did you get it?!" Wilbur asked excitedly. "I know Techno and Tommy saved up the money." Phil told him a smile plastered on his face. 

"That's why Tommy was selling lemonade he made 5 dollars and only gave me fifty cents. The fifty cents I gave him to buy my cup... Also I bought it from the weird guy who always wears a beanie." Techno explained. Wilbur jumped to hug Technoblade. 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Oh my god! I love you! Thank you..." Technoblade returned the hug. "No problem."-"Hey! I helped too!" Tommy said a bit envious. "Of course come here Tommy." Wilbur gave him a quick hug before saying... "Lets go flying!" 


(Kinda sucked in my opinion but...yeah hopefully you guys like it!)

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