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News spread like wildfire about Sunghoon's devastation, it was all that the media could ever cover. The whole world knew about the ice knight's fall – they knew about the sudden accident that happened that night, a night that Park Sunghoon could never fathom the scenery so painful, a loss so unbearable that he could never forgive himself for what happened.

It kept replaying in his mind like crazy and every day he finds himself drowning in his own tears, coping with his own agony along with his loss of figure skating but mostly the long loss of his mother, how stupid of him that night. How stupid you are Park Sunghoon? He thought, you could have helped that night, you could have done something that night! Yet you just watch! You watched! He prods to ask himself, why did it happen? Just why? Sunghoon knows that things happen for a reason, yet what reason could there be?

What was the reason?

He looked at his legs, legs that wouldn't move, legs that were his assets of strength became a doom of nothing but hopelessness. The outside world, even more, was like a dark place for him to see, a place unbelievably scary to confront.

Four Weeks – four weeks had passed since he last set foot outside and it looks like he wouldn't come out anytime sooner, even if he did – even if he went out there all he could hear would be voices, voices of people that would be talked at him so poorly, eyes that would likely to judge and say; I feel pity for him. Sunghoon thought it would be better to just stay hidden between the four walls of his room.

And so, he did.


It had been exactly six months, six months since Park Sunghoon had shut everything out, had kept himself private from the world around him – six months of contemplating in his room, his friends often visit him and asked him to at least hang out with them, they even encourage him to get out, to see the world – but there was nothing to see, wasn't it? What more can the world give, when they finally see the fallen knight? Nothing. Because life had given him so much already.

"Sunghoon. . ." said a voice from outside his room he knew very well that it was one of his friends Jake Sim, who had called out to him, there's not a day that goes by that he and Jay would visit him around to see how he was doing – they even took part of taking care of him when really, they didn't need to. Both Jake and Jay were the only friends he could ever trust.

"Sunghoon, Day 180 of asking you to hang out with us. . ." Jake continued as he slowly opened the door ajar to peek at his friend laying down in bed. Jay nudged Jake's elbow, Jake met his eyes as Jay tilted his head and signaled Jake to get inside his room.

Breaking the Ice | 엔하이펜 | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now