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         One that could break the ice smoothly with your performance that phrase kept repeating in Heeseung's mind on replay, Sunghoon, No, his coach, Yes! His coach is about to buy him a new pair of figure skating shoes, his heart was beating rapidly in an uneasy rhythm and he was nervous to the point that his hands felt cold, colder than ice. He didn't expect he would buy him - he worked so hard and the amount of money Heeseung's parents had given was about enough to save for a new pair of skate shoes. But here they were standing at the famous store where you could buy the most expensive things for figure skating.

He doesn't deserve this, he kept telling Sunghoon that it was okay, his savings is almost to the amount of price enough to buy his own pair, but he wasn't listening. Heeseung knows that he was cold but he doesn't need to be that cold to the point he wasn't listening to him. Heeseung looked at the price tag of almost a thousand or billions of amounts of money. Yet his jaws were still dropped in awe at how amazing the store was, from the gears, costumes, skates, and dresses both men and women, it was everything he dream it could be.

"Jay. . ." whispered Heeseung, Jay went closer to him, listening. "I can't afford all of this. . ." he said, "Will Coach accept me as their cleaning maid to pay for the skating shoes?" Jay just manage a good laugh. "Don't worry so much Heeseung hyung. . . Sunghoon had planned this a few days ago. . ."

He what? "Planned? What do you mean planned?"

"Sunghoon thought about giving you a pair of ice skates but he was a bit shy to ask you, your size so he came up with a plan to bring you here, and we agreed to help. Don't worry Hoon is not that strict or harsh, he won't turn you into his cleaning maid, he's just that generous," said Jay.

But still, it was still uneasy for him, although he thought about the small detail that his coach was willing to give him this gift, a smile crept up to the side of his lips, he's so unpredictable, Heeseung thought. "Heeseung!" Sunghoon called and quickly ran to him. The ice knight introduced him to the lady standing right beside him and he greeted her. "About his size Ma'am but comfortable for a figure skater," said Sunghoon to the lady.

The lady looked at Heeseung from head to foot as if he was scanning and analyzing him, "Hmmmm. . . I see I see. . . Well, you're in for a lucky treat! I have had figure skaters take measures with me and even given them the most comfortable wear while making art on the ice, Come now! We shall give you the best size for your feet." Heeseung looked at his coach, Sunghoon just smirked and tilted his head a signal for him to follow the lady. "Go, she will take good care of your feet." He teased, Heeseung scrunched his nose at the response, "Thank you, coach."

"Don't thank me just yet and just go. . ." and with that, Heeseung nervously followed the lady to look at the various kinds of skates just right for his feet.

It took about only 30 minutes to find the perfect figure skating shoes, the ice knight asked if those were comfortable for him, or does it hurt to move. Heeseung told him that everything was fine and his feet were comfortable and without a doubt, the ice knight brought him, his new pair of figure skates, it was like a fever dream for him. While he was waiting for Sunghoon, and Jay and Jake went ahead to wait for them at a restaurant for dinner, a sudden person stood by his side, the rookie skater glanced at him quickly before averting his hue at Sunghoon.

"Are you a professional skater?" the person asked, he was shorter than Heeseung, he had pink hair and his fox eyes stared at him intensely, the atmosphere between both of them felt edgy. "Me? Ah No, I'm just waiting for someone. . ." Heeseung replied.

"Ah. . ." the pink-haired person replied, "You have the Grand Champion ring on your finger so I thought you were a high-level senior. . ." Heeseung felt conflicted, as he looked at his ring, the one that Sunghoon had given him a few weeks ago, which he promised to coach him, a grand champion ring. Who would have thought, he then remembered what Jake said that his coach was the biggest fanboy about figure skating, so he assumed that someone had given him this or he carved it on his own. Was that possible? He wouldn't look like a guy who would do some carving.

"Ah, someone just gave it to me as a gift..." he replied, the other just nodded. "I'm Kim Sunoo..."

"Heeseung, Lee Heeseung. . ." he bowed.

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Heeseung. . ." the pink-haired Sunoo, walked in the direction of the store while his coach was heading out in his direction, Heeseung gave him a warm smile. As he skidded his way to the back and gently push his wheelchair. "I told you I can pay it. . ."

"Nah, It's fine I had to talk to the cashier anyway. . ." replied Sunghoon, adjusting his hoodie, cap, and face mask, trying his best that no media might see him, he still wasn't ready to be the talk of the town. He was careful and he was sure that so far no one had spotted him. Meanwhile, Heeseung couldn't stop thinking about what that pink-haired person said grand champion ring, the rookie skater looked at his coach at first before focusing his gaze on the pathway, heading towards the direction of the restaurant that Jay and Jake had been talking about.

"Hey coach. . ." Heeseung started, "There was someone that approached me today and said this ring I'm wearing is a grand champion ring is it true?" Heeseung waited for his coach's reply, now that he thought about it he barely knew Sunghoon was nor what his past was, the only information he knew was the accident that happened on his legs nothing else.

Sunghoon took a deep breath at some point he will figure it out, but can't just once keep it to himself that he was once like him? A figure skater that dreamed, there was no point in hiding it, albeit there's something in Sunghoon's consciousness that he wanted Heeseung to figure out for himself. "Yeah it's true, someone gave it to me." He lied, it was his, to begin with. "And I want to give it to you as a charm because I know that maybe someday as a figure skater, you would go to various competitions that you could hardly imagine."

Heeseung chuckled, so that was it huh? "Don't you mean, we? We would go to various competitions that we could hardly imagine in different places, and countries and show the world that figure skating is not just figure skating."

"Yeah I guess so. . ." replied Sunghoon. We. . . the ice knight thought, a small smile forming on his features. "But didn't I say just up to the regionals? This is the district, then we have the divisions after that it's then the regionals. . ."

"You'll never know, what the universe has to say maybe we could grow bigger and you being my temporary coach is just something, you help me to this step might as well give it a big end," Heeseung said and there was something about what he said that Sunghoon felt like in a verge of tears. It was a disheartening day that the world had given him up to soon to reach his fulfilling dream at the Grand Prix Finals to represent his home country, those 10years of his years of figure skating dreaming high were just crushed just like that, broken legs and no healing.

It aches him to realize that he wouldn't go far, far as where his legs would take him, where his free wings would soar, ending up sitting down on this chair. A fallen ice knight. But, that didn't end there, it couldn't end there, right? When Heeseung arrive, it was the moment when he could no longer feel the beauty of skating the least he could do is help someone with the same dream, he hadn't given up on those 10 years that had passed.

Something tells him that there was no way he would give up this one, even if it's up until the regionals.

"Heeseung instead of WE I want it to be you, this is your dream. . . I'm just a coach, though this was my dream once. . . "Park Sunghoon stared at Heeseung's figure skating shoes with a melancholic feeling. "The world just couldn't bare to see me soar high. . ." he chuckled, "I was too ambitious. . ."

Sunghoon looked back up at Heeseung as he gently gave him a soft gentle smile.

"The world had given up on me, But I don't want the world to give up on you, I'm not giving up on you Heeseung."

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