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                 The day of the event had begun - and Heeseung had never been so nervous in his entire life, adrenaline-rushed inside his blood pressure and his hands were sweating cold, the district stadium was small but from where he stood it looked big enough to have an agoraphobia but it wasn't the case, it simply just looked that way enough to scare him. Jake was beside him pretending to be his coach as Sunghoon had said he would be watching from the sidelines, though Heeseung had already figured that he was just hiding from any journalist that was present on that day.

He guessed that he was still not ready - to face anyone just yet not since the incident that he read about in the article, it had been a month and it felt like they knew each other for a long time yet he was still waiting for his coach, Sunghoon, to tell him the truth.

To avoid the news and paparazzi Jake was his substitute coach for now just to keep his coach low profile, and as long as he was watching among the crowd, he was fine - he was okay, well, eventually.

An array of different glimmering costumes and figure skaters had been stretching and doing warm-ups, Heeseung had no idea if these people were amateurs, professionals, rookies, and whatnot - all he knows is that he was now one of them, full of passion and dreams. They were fighting for places and showcasing what they can do,

The rink was the battlefield and they were just merely dreamers fighting for their name.

"Are you nervous hyung?" asked Jake - massaging his shoulders, Heeseung lets out a soft chuckle and takes a deep breath in and out. "VERY, I feel like my heart is about to vomit out of my mouth. . ." he jumps up and down trying to shake this tangible feeling, he came all this way, his coach helped him all this way and he got to give out the best of his abilities.

"You'll do fine - Just have fun! Imagine as if it's just you in the center and think about why you are figure skating in the first place, in addition, try to think that the stadium is yours and you are dancing for yourself." Jake said in affirmation and that's what he could think about as of now, he was not sure if it'd work but if it did, then he could label himself as the best adviser in the friend group.

"Thanks, Jake. . ." said Heeseung.

"No problem –" he smiled, Jake's phone vibrated, and a message appeared as he showed it to Heeseung. Heeseung couldn't help but smile, yes, for his coach.

The competition started and Heeseung was the third one to perform in the men's singles - there were four of them who are competing this year round and he was glad that he was the third one to perform, it was still a heavyweight of pressure but he can do this, right? Right.

The first one to perform was amazing - he pulled 3 tricks so far, he was graceful, poised, and light but if he was the one to critique his moves didn't match the music he picked it was a remix of rock and that alone ruined the mood of the energy that the first performer was giving but it was so far so good, yes, amazing in a way that it's his figure skating style.

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