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         More than a week had passed since Park Sunghoon coached Heeseung for the upcoming annual figure skating competition prior to the regionals and it was so far, so good with a few lapse of daily stretching and exercise – and a 10 hour practice every day, Sunghoon could definitely could see improvements from him. They would win, yes, they would. Heeseung promised seeing him working so hard, his hopes are on its peaks, seeing Heeseung on ice he couldn't help but to think – that if he had met the rookie skater from when he was skating would they be rivals or friends? He was just exceptional minus the flaws he was an ace, Sunghoon's voice was all it need to take for him to almost perfect the steps.

"Heeseung. . ." Sunghoon called to him dismissively waving his hand at the other, Jake stopped the music, ever since Jay and Jake found out that their friend Sunghoon had been coaching this mysterious boy they had been supporting him all the way, from guarding the doors, fetching the snacks and lunch then to smoothing the ice and even setting up the sound system. Sunghoon had told them multiple of times that they should go home because he knew they too had a lot of priorities but they were to cheesy always saying that they would rather be by their side at any moment and time.

Heeseung hurriedly glide his way towards his coach, his sweat dripping from his forehead, he was breathing heavily that he could almost see the air breathing out from his mouth. Sunghoon threw a towel right in front of his face which made Heeseung laugh, "Don't just laugh, wipe that sweat out of your face or you'll get sick, didn't you want to win?"

"Wow, Coach, you're so caring. . ." he chuckled once more, throwing the towel back to Sunghoon, the ice knight glared at him shocking that he threw the towel right back at him. "What was that for?" he asked.

Heeseung leaned on down to the level of Sunghoon's eyes as he drew back a smile. "You do it, Coach."

"Excuse me?" Sunghoon asked with a raising tone of his voice.

"Come on Coach, it's an assurance for me okay? I need affirmation that my coach actually cares."

My Coach as if he hadn't said that awhile back, Sunghoon breathed out a heavy sigh like he doesn't have any choice, he grabbed the towel from his lap and gently he wipes the sweat dripping from Heeseung's features, from his eyes down to his cheek.

This was the first time for a week that he had actually seen him up close, because he was always standing right beside him and here he was just sitting down from the wheel chair, and now that he was at his level he saw the details of his long lashes, his soft plump cheeks and his mesmerizing feature, he was beautiful.

Breaking the Ice | 엔하이펜 | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now