(4) Awkward

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"So, ah, (Yn) was it?" I glance up at Alma. My eyes were wide, and I quickly take a drink of my water, only nodding my head in response. I glance back over at Mirabel who was having an intense staring battle with Dolores.

If I wasn't already at Casa Madrigal to help Mirabel out, Mirabel's dad probably wouldn't have invited me to the family's engagement dinner for Isabela. So now, I was sitting in between Isabela and Mirabel awkwardly picking at my food. I already felt super out of place at this meal, but now I felt even more uncomfortable with the fact that Dolores knows everything because she overheard Mirabel and her dad talking. I could sense the growing tension between the cousins, so I pass Mirabel a bowl of food to distract her.

Suddenly, Dolores leans over and whispers to Camilo. Mirabel gasps as Camilo chokes on his drink, causing only his face to shift into several different forms. Camilo's face is distorted when he shifts back to 'himself', so I clear my throat in an attempt to get Camilo's attention. He glances over at me, and I point to my head mouthing, "Your face."

He gets the message and quickly shakes his head, bringing his face back to normal. Camilo looks at Mirabel with a worried expression.

Isabela passes the pitcher of water to Mirabel and Camilo passes along the secret to his dad, who doesn't take the news well as he spat out his water across the table right at Isabela's boyfriend. The Guzmáns gasp in horror, and Alma tries to change the topic. "Mirabel?" She asks.

Mirabel jumps in her seat.

"The creme please." She says through a forced smile.

Mirabel turns to her father. "Pa? The creme?"

Mirabel's dad smiles nervously. I couldn't tell if he was trying harder to convince the table that nothing was wrong or if he was just trying to convince himself. He passes the creme to Mirabel, who passes it to me. Right as I'm handing it along to Isabela, Felíx whispers to Pepa, and her jaw drops.

Uh oh...

A massive cloud forms over Pepa's head, and I swallow the lump in my throat when it starts thundering.

"Pepa," Alma begins. "Your cloud?" she nervously smiles.

Pepa begins running her hands along her long braid. "Clear skies clear skies clear skies..." She mutters to herself.

I'm too worried to look at anyone else, so I just look down at my feet instead. If anything, that stresses me out more because I see cracks growing across the floor. I almost shriek in terror but hold it in by biting down on my corn. I nudge Mirabel and gesture to the floor. She looks down and leans her head under the table for a closer look.


Mirabel's head jolts up, smacking against the table. She looks over to Isabela's boyfriend, who gives her a confused smile. "You okay?" he asks.

I notice Isabela's eyes shooting daggers at Mirabel.

Mirabel's dad laughs. "Ha! Everything is great! She's just so happy for you!"

I smile and nod in agreement. I feel my heart racing as I watch this disaster of a dinner party unfold. I detested awkward social situations as it is...but this? Oh, this takes the cake. Sweat drips down my face. My mouth is dry and a whole swarm of butterflies is flapping around in my stomach. I feel like I'm about to explode.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Camilo standing next to me. "Sorry in advance." He whispers.

"What are you-" I'm cut off by Camilo picking up my glass to refill it, but instead of pouring water into the glass, he pours it onto my blouse. I gasp as the water hits me, and quickly stand up.

"Camilo! You need to be more careful!" Alma scolds.

Camilo brings his hands to his face and gasps. "(Yn)! I'm so sorry!" he turns to the table. "Please, don't mind us and continue as you were. I'll get our guest a change of clothes because that's the responsible thing to do." Camilo takes my hand and pulls me out of the dining room. Once we're far enough away, Camilo turns me to face him and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay? I'm sorry about that, I could just tell that you wanted to get out of there."

I feel a wave of relief come rushing over me. I look down at my soaked blouse and then up at a guilty-looking Camilo. I burst out laughing.

:-:Camilo's POV:-:

Camilo's mind was racing. Was the magic actually in danger? Did Abuela know? Did Bruno's vision just mean another horrible thing would go wrong? Camilo looked up at (yn). She was breathing heavy, and only stared down at her lap. Camilo had covered for enough stressed-out townspeople to tell when someone needed help. He could see how tense she was. Camilo knew he had to get (yn) out for that dinner. Suddenly, only one thing was on his mind instead of the hundreds of others: (Yn). Without thinking, he picked up the jug of water, stood up, and made his way around the table and over to (yn). He placed his hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. He looked at her. She looked at him. "Sorry in advance." Camilo whispers to her.

"What are you-" Camilo poured the jug onto her front, causing (yn) to stop mid-sentence.

Abuela quickly stood up. "Camilo! You need to be more careful!" She scolds.

Camilo felt a pang in his chest. Why was it that Abuela only ever seemed to notice Camilo when she was scolding him or asking him to shapeshift into someone else? Camilo pushed the thought from his mind. He had to help (Yn).

"(Yn)! I'm so sorry!" Camilo fakes a shocked expression and turns to the table. "Please, don't mind us and continue as you were. I'll get our guest a change of clothes because that's the responsible thing to do." He quickly grabs her hand and leads her away.

Once the two teens were far enough away, Camilo turned (Yn) to face him and put his hands on her shoulders. "Are you okay? I'm sorry about that, I could just tell that you wanted to get out of there." He didn't want (Yn) to think he was actually trying to be rude.

Suddenly, (Yn) burst out laughing. Camilo jumped back in surprise. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting from the girl he'd just spilled water on. "A-Are you okay?" He asked nervously.

(Yn) composed herself and smiled. "Sorry...I just...I guess I wasn't expecting you-or anyone for that matter-to come up with a whole charade to get me out of dinner. And you did it in the most Camilo way, too!" (Yn) chuckled to herself.

Camilo blushed and smiled to himself. Something about the way she said it... 'the Camilo way'

He liked it.

"What I mean to say...is thanks. It means a lot that you did that for me." (Yn) says. Without any sort of warning, (Yn) wraps her arms tightly around Camilo, and nuzzles her face into his chest. "Thank you." She whispers.

Camilo's cheeks burned a brighter red than he even knew was possible. His heartbeat fast, and butterflies fluttered around in his stomach.

What's this feeling?

:-:(Yn's) POV:-:

I nuzzle my face into Camilo's chest. I hear his heart beating rapidly, probably just as rapidly as my own was beating. I don't know what came over me. Nobody's ever done something like that for me before. I wanted to tell Camilo just how much his actions meant to me, but I couldn't find the words. I could only hope he would get the message through my embrace.

I feel Camilo return the hug. He slowly wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my own. "N-No problem." He says just above a whisper.

I don't know why, but I liked this feeling. Something about being in Camilo's embrace makes me feel safe. Safe and loved.

When we part, Camilo looks down at his yellow ruana which had a damp spot from where I hugged him. "Great, now you got me all wet." He teases.

"Consider it payback, water-spiller." I fire back laughing.

Camilo laughs along. "C'mon, let's get you a change of clothes."

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