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Su-Jin's POV

My heart was pounding out of fear the way Sangwoo had grabbed me. When I got home, I got in and quickly closed the door behind me.

"I...I killed..two people last night.." I mumbled. I started to slowly panic, realizing that I had done such a thing but the feeling was amazing! I felt their hot blood trickling down my skin, listening to them choke on their blood and the feeling of a knife, sinking into their skin.

I felt safe and free from men! I laughed loudly at the thought of killing every man that ever spoke to me! Every man that touches me...

My smile faded when Sangwoo crossed my mind. "I.. want to feel his blood, pierce his skin.." I whispered as I slowly leaned against the door, groping my breast and rubbing myself at the thought of Sangwoo's blood all over me completely naked.

"Oh~ w-would be.. such a..hah~ ah~" I pant slightly at the aroused feeling I was making myself feel. I removed my hand from inside my underwear, looking at the clear substance all over my fingers, dripping onto my palm slightly.

"He's dangerous...I can feel it~" I headed to the bathroom to take a long nice shower.


As night had fallen, I was seated in the living room, watching TV before I decided to switch through the channel and stop on the news, seeing that they were talking about a killing that happened.

"Two bodies were found tonight, a young male brutally murdered in his home with his male parts placed into his mouth and another, stabbed in an alleyway multiple times. This man was known to be the son of CEO Kwan Jeong, owner of one of the largest companies in the city!"

The reporter says. My eyes were glued to the screen as they talked about my kills. "Witnesses say, they saw a woman, drenched in blood, holding a knife completely naked before approaching the man, pushing him into the alleyway, leaving with the jacket he last wore."

I looked over at the jacket, frowning slightly.

I rose to my feet, reaching over to the jacket, and grabbing it quickly. I looked around before heading to my room where I grabbed a pair of scissors and started to cut the jacket into pieces.

Once I was finished, I heard a knock at my door, causing me to flinch slightly. I threw everything aside, running to the door.

I looked through the peephole to see Sangwoo, holding his book up, with a smile on his face. I groaned in annoyance.

"Why are you here..?" I asked. "You still didn't take my book, yuh know." He says. "Listen-"

"I'm not leaving until you have this book in your possession." He says.

Gosh, he's so annoying...

I opened the door and he immediately came into my apartment. "Thanks!" He says and I glared at him. "Are you stupid? You can't just barge in here like it's your home! I didn't invite you in." I said and he chuckled.

"Sorry... I was just so eager to give this book to you." He says in a soft gentle voice which was almost hypnotising. Any other girl would forget the book and just sit on his lap.

"You could do that, at the door!" I said.

He looks around from where he stood before placing the book down on the coffee table. He looked at the TV, noticing the news. "Ah.. that stabbing case.." He mumbles.

"Any thoughts on it?" I asked, dropping the fact that he had barged in. I closed the door, making my way into the kitchen as he spoke.

"Not really... I'm not interested in that kind of thing, but telling by the way the girl walking, she's been through some kind of trauma that broke her.." He says.

I reached for the small knife, hiding it in my hoodie pocket.

"Really?" I asked as I walked over to him, gripping the knife tightly.

"Yes and could be something abusive, or rape.." He says in a low tone.

"How could you possibly know that?!" I asked in an outburst.

He was silent as he stared at the screen, before turning his attention away from it.

The grip on my knife loosens, realizing that Sangwoo has possibly been through the same thing I've had..but how? He's so strong and is always smiling.

I wish I was like you...

"I'm sorry.." I said softly. "I want my book back by tomorrow at 8 am, no later" He smirks at me. "8 am?! I-" He closes the door, already gone.

"How dare he?!"

I put the knife away so as not to hurt myself with it before grabbing the book and opening it. Even his handwriting was perfect.


"Look who's decided to show up to work, after missing 3 days! I had to tend to the bar on my own. Let's just say, I'm not happy." Jun, my coworker says as I walk into the locker room where she is.

"Sorry. I've been having a few rough days.." I began taking off my clothes.

I heard her gasp and I looked over at her, alerted. "Who gave you those bruises?! Is someone hurting you or are you just so clumsy?" She says, examining me. I put on my uniform and looked at her. "I fell.. that's about it, nothing interesting." I laughed slightly to play it off.

"Alright fine.." She says walking away.


"You know, I was thinking... I want to finally get into a relationship with someone, don't you think?" Jun says as she cleans the bar counter.

"Relationships are not worth it.." I responded and she rolled her eyes. "Just because no ones looking your way, you don't have to step on my dreams of finding a man." The bell above the door rang, notifying us that a customer had entered.

"Speaking of which, look at this hotty right here.." She says. I looked up, noticing Sangwoo walking in with a girl at his side, latched onto his arm.

"Wonderful.." I mumbled.

"Gosh, he has a girl." She says in defeat.

As he walked over, I was immediately about to turn away, letting Jun serve him, but he noticed me.

"Su-Jin? I didn't know you worked here." He started and I nodded. "Yeah... I'm only a part-timer. What can I get you?" I asked, pulling out my notepad.

As he takes his order for both him and the girl, they took a seat at a table. I looked over at Jun who only smiled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Is it me or did you suddenly tense up when that guy walked in? You both know each other~" She giggles.

"He goes to my University.. classmate and surprisingly a pain in my ass.." I whispered, grabbing their drinks and placing them onto the tray.

I walked over, placing their drinks in front of them. "Feel free to come back to the bar to make another order if needed." I smiled before making my way back over to the bar.

Sangwoo's pov

I watched as Su-Jin walked away. She looked extremely hot in her uniform and ripping it off of her is what I want to do right now. Bend her over the table and fuck her from the back. I was hard just thinking about it, feeling her body against mine before hearing her beg for me not to kill her.

"Why are you looking at her?" My date asks. I finally tear away from staring at Su-Jin to look at her.

"I thought I knew her." I lied. "Oh, well it's a good thing you don't. I couldn't imagine a handsome guy like you, knowing a creature like that!" She laughed slightly but I didn't. I held a straight face, staring at her before smiling.

"Let's not think about that. It's just you and me, tonight.." I said.


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