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Su-Jin's pov

"Once you've collected your medication from the pharmacy, I recommend taking them right away. Take three a day. Morning, Noon and Night. If there are any problems, please come by and see me." The doctor says as he writes down on paper what's needed and needs to be done.

I looked over at Sangwoo, who sat with us to make sure he heard what the doctor said, incase I had missed it in my condition.

"Thank you. I'll make sure she's taken good care of." He says reassuringly.

We exited the hospital and I looked up at Sangwoo with a small frown. "What?" He asks. "I don't like the idea of being on medication.. I'm fine." I said, feeling quite guilty.

"You're not fine, Su-Jin. You're seeing things, hurting yourself.. you need this more than anything and I need you to be safe aswell. I care about you.. so I need you to be okay." He says.

I held his hand, intertwining our fingers as we walked together.

"Promise me you'll take them everyday, okay?" He says. "I promise.." I mumbled, hearing him hum in response.


When we arrived at the pharmacy to collect my medication, Sangwoo looked over at me, moving my hair out of my face to get a good look at me.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asks and I nodded slightly. "I'll be okay.."

He leans in, giving me a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing the paper with the medication's name on it.

It was quite cold outside, so I wore one of his hoodies to keep myself warm.  I enjoyed wearing his clothes, especially his hoodies. They made me feel as though I was being embraced lovingly by him and warm too of course. It felt much better when he'd hold me while I wore them.

I climb into the car along with Sangwoo. When we were both buckled in, I looked to my right, staring in horror at the face that stared right back at me. My teacher that I had killed! His body facing the entirely other way, giving me his back, but his head turned to me.

I watched as he grins from ear to ear, large empty black eyes staring right at me.

My body jolt as I looked away in fear. I didn't notice it right away but I was panting loudly which had caught Sangwoo's attention before I even noticed.

He hands me a bottle of water and I took it from him, watching as he got a pill out for me, placing it in my hand. I could feel him staring at me as I looked down at the pill in my palm.

"Make sure you swallow." He says.  I place the pill onto my tongue, showing him before drinking the water, gulping it down. It was bitter, causing me to make a face and he chuckled slightly. "Let's get you home." He says, starting up the car.

I looked out the window once again before we started moving and the corpse was no longer there.


A week had gone by and I have been taking my medication each day. I was no longer being haunted by the men that I've killed.

I felt much better and Sangwoo was always around to make sure I was doing okay. There were times where he'd go off to do his things. It made me uncomfortable knowing what he was up to.

Selfish, I know. I killed so many men for my own pleasure, but when sangwoo does it, it upsets me. Sangwoo always kills the girls he's slept with, yet I'm still here, alive and breathing. Was I really that important to him? Was I not worth the kill?


I turned my attention to Sangwoo, who stares with concern. "Are you okay? Are the pills wearing off?" He asks as he gets up, getting my medication ready.

"N-no.. I was just in thought that's all." I said, waving my hands slightly.

"Oh? What's on your mind?" He asks, taking a seat next to me.

I gulped nervously, before speaking up. "Well.. I uh..Sangwoo?" I started. He hums in response, staring at me.

"How come I'm still here?" I start. He looks confused, unsure of what I was saying to him. "Why is it I'm still alive, but those girls aren't? What's so special about me? I.." He reaches up to me, moving my hair out of my face.

"Do you want me to kill you?" He asks. I stared at him, shocked at the question. I looked down at my hands in my lap, knowing he wouldn't like my answer.

"Y-yes." I mumbled. "Why..?" He asks.

"I deserve it.. I've killed-"

"So have I! Are you saying I deserve to be killed?!" He shouts, causing me to flinch. "Sangwoo- if you think about it.. we've both done wrong- we've murdered so many! Eventually we'll get What's coming to us." I avoided eye contact with him, not ready to look at him after what I said.

"I'm not going to kill you. You want to get this shit off your chest? Turn yourself in." He says, causing my heart to thump, skipping a beat.


He gets up from where he was sitting and walks out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I frowned slightly, holding back my tears.

"What's wrong with me..?" I asked quietly to myself.
I stood up, tying my hair into a ponytail before making my way to my room.

"What was I thinking? Mentioning something like that to him. Someone he cares deeply for asking for him to kill them. How selfish can I be..? Im so sorry.."


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