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Sangwoo's pov

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and quickly took it out, seeing that a message was sent by Su-Jin.

I opened it to a photo of the back of someone and they looked familiar. "Is that.. Sung-so..?"

I continue to walk, confused as to why she had sent me this photo and why was the room so dark.

I stopped in my tracks, remembering her saying that she was going to see her professor, but this room didn't look like the professor's room at all.

Before I had any time to react, a couple of screams can be heard. "Someone get an ambulance! Get help!" Someone screamed. A crowd gathered around a specific area and I wanted to go check it out but it was probably a pointless fight.

"That's Su-Jin!"

My head snapped in that direction once again and I quickly headed over. "Move! Get out of my way!" I shouted, pushing passed everyone to get through.

I froze in place, seeing Su-Jin's lifeless body on the ground, a pool of blood underneath her. I quickly moved to her, feeling the sadness and anger build up inside. "Why would you do this.."
I looked at the people gathered, holding their phones out.

The sound of the police Sirens and ambulance could be heard. "Get away!" I shouted at them. "How dare you film this!"

I could feel the hot tears flowing down my cheeks as I look up at the sky, holding her close to my chest. Then it hit me. She wouldn't have jumped.

The paramedics finally arrived tried to take her onto a stretcher. When they noticed her lifeless, blood covered body, the bag came out.

"Sir we need you to let go of her.. she's gone." One of them said. "No.. I..  I can't.. I.."


I turned my head to see Officer Park. He held a sad look on his face when he notices who was in my hold.

"My family.. and now her.." I said as they took her from my grip.

"They'll need you to go with them to ask questions about her." He says, helping me up to stand.

"Officer Park, you might need to come and take a look at this." Students found a body in the room she jumped out of. Looks like she killed this person and killed herself after." Another officer said.

"How dare you assume that! She wouldn't hurt a fly!" I snapped.

"I'll go have a look. Go with them to the hospital, Sangwoo." I looked at Officer Park, frowning. "She would never kill herself.." I mumbled before walling away.


A couple of days had passed and I was finally called in by the hospital to know what really happened to Su-Jin.

I took a seat at the table across from the doctor as officer Park stood in the corner with a sad look.

"To start off, Su-Jin didn't kill herself. There was a wound to the side of her head, something may have collided with her head. She might have fallen in the room she was in and hit her head giving her a concussion.. she might have slipped out the window, but what's interesting.. is the bruises around her neck. She was choked before her fall." They said, sliding the photos over to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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