Chapter 8| first date

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(Contains request from painwithoutthei and Bethanimd)

You wake up early and before you do anything else you pick out your outfit for your date that you and camilo are going to have later on that evening. Just them you hear thoughts of people standing outside your window so you go to check and see the two most unexpected people stood outside your window. It's your ex and your mother.

"What the hell." You say as you quickly get dressed and make your way out to them to tell them to leave.

"Hey baby doll"  Your ex says when he sees you.

"You need to leave! Asap!" You say yelling.

"Not the welcome I was expecting but you know, I'm willing to let it slide" He says putting all his attention towards you. Your mother pats him on the shoulder and leaves.

"Your not welcome here! Please just leave.!" You say.

"Haven't you missed me darling?" He says slowly walking over to you, backing you up against the wall of la casita.

"No I haven't so get.out." You say trying to hide the fact that your absolutely terrified of his thoughts. They are gruesome and horrific. And mainly about you..

"Aww but I've missed you" He says slamming his hand next to your face, half pinning you on the wall. You clench your fists getting ready to punch him when-

"Get away from them!" Camilo says charging at your ex and knocking him over, he then stands infront of you blocking him from being able to touch you.

"And whos this low life." Your ex says standing up.

"I'm none of your concern. You on the other hand, need to leave." Camilo says crossing his arms.

*I swear to god if this mother fucker makes one step towards them I will not hesitate to put him on his arse.*~ camilo's thoughts.

You step back and then dash inside to get more help since you already know where this is going.

"I don't know who you think you are pal but you've got no right messing with them." He says pushing your ex to the ground again and towering over him.

"Oh? And who do you think you are telling me that." Your ex says from the ground.

"I think I'm the guy that's about to beat your arse." Camilo replies getting angrier by the second.

You return by camilo's side and grab his hand.

"It's okay love, calm down." You say.

"Love?." Your ex says.

"Got a problem?" You say looking down at him.

Just then he is launched into the air and held there by one of isabellas vines.

"I don't think your supposed to be here are you?" She says making herself visible. She then looks to you and camilo and says "you guys relax, I've got this" She then smiles and tightens the vine.

"Thanks bella" you say and kiss camilo's cheek.

"gracias (thank you)" camilo mutters, although he secretly wanted to at least get one singular hit on the guy.

"Come on, let's go inside and calm you down" you say slowly pushing camilo back inside.

A few minutes later isabella returns smiling.

"I very much doubt he will be bothering you anymore, your welcome" She says beaming.

"Thank you so much bella" you say smiling.

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