Chapter 9| the future

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You wake up in camilo's arms and just wish this moment could last, but you knew it couldn't. You got up without waking camilo up and got changed into a comfy outfit and brushed your teeth, you then sorted your hair out and went for a morning walk. Soon enough everyone was awake and the day had started properly. You saw Bruno walking around the kitchen so you went over to him.

"Hey bruno!" You say smiling.

"Ah! Oh i-its you, hey y-y/n" He says shakily.

"What are you looking for?" You ask.

"Food. My r-rats are hungry you s-see and-" You cut him off.

"I'll make you guys something, I was about to make some breakfast anyway, would you mind telling the others?" You say.

"S-sure" He says and then goes upstairs.
You start making breakfast and with casita's help you get it all outside and set the table up.

"Morning dove" camilo says sleepily whilst hugging you from behind. He was NOT a morning person.

"Buenos días mi amor (good morning my love)" you say smiling.

"I don't get how you can be up so early" He says letting you go.

"Well, don't worry about that and go get your breakfast" you say turning around and kissing his cheek.

"Okay okay amor (love)" He says and makes his way to the table.

After that you follow Bruno upstairs as he makes his way to his room.

"Uhm, Bruno? I have a request." You say trying not to startle him. He opens his door and turns to look at you.

"Thank you for t-the breakfast, what's t-the request?" He replies.

"I would like you to look into my future, I wish to know how mine and cami's relationship turns out" you say hoping he will agree.

"Uhm, I think I c-can do that. Cmon in" He said making his way into the room.

"Gracias! (Thank you!)" You say smiling and following him into the room.

He sets up the sand and everything else he needs to see the vision. He then sits down and holds out his hands.

"Hold on" He said and you placed your hands in his. The sand swirls up and around you both with a green light in the mist.

"I see you both, older and happy, you are married and it looks like your having your first child" He says. "There's more, a little later you have twins and two years later have another, overall you look happy together and love eachother deeply" He finishes.

"Is that all?" You say.

"Well, unless you want me to spoil your children's gifts?" He says.

"No no! That's fine, thank you" You say as he let's go of your hands and the green slate appears in his hands. The sand drops to the floor and you smile.

"Thanks again Bruno!" You say happily.

"Anytime" He replies standing up and making his way to the stairs. You stand up and wave goodbye then exit the room. You walk down stairs to see Dolores waiting for you.

"Four!?" She yells excited.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"I heard Bruno telling you his vision!" She says.

"Oh- well I mean-?" You say speechless.

"I need to tell mamá and camilo and-" You cut her off.

"Tell anyone you want as long as you don't tell cami, he keeps thinking that he's going to get three so-" You say.

"And your getting married whilst carrying a child!! That's too cute, come with me to tell mamá she will be so excited" she says taking your hand and dragging you to her mother who is currently talking to, you guessed it! Camilo.

"Mamá I just found- oop" Dolores starts.

"What's wrong?" Pepa asks.

"What did you find out?" Camilo says.

"Uhm" She says.

"I went to see Bruno, I asked him about mine and cami's future together" You say. Dolores looks at you confused and you whisper "just tell him, he will find out eventually and I really cannot be bothered to keep it a secret".

"Oooo now I'm excited!" Pepa says.

"I'm intrigued" camilo says looking at you while smirking.

"So? What happens?!" Pepa asks as a rainbow starts showing above her head.

"So!" Dolores starts and then explains the whole thing. You just stand next to her kind of blushing slightly and avoid eye contact with camilo.

"Awww!! I need to tell félix!" Pepa says jumping up from her chair and wondering off to find him.

"Wait so- I will have four little mixtures of me and my partner running around?" He says processing everything he just heard.

"Yup!" Dolores says proud. Just then you feel a pair of arms wrapped around you and you finally make eye contact with camilo again.

"I can't wait" He says smiling at you while also blushing a lot.

"Well your gonna have to buddy" you say teasing.

"Shut uppp" He says kissing you and then hugging you tight. You had kissed back and smiled.

"Aww!" Dolores says.

You continue on your day, helping out around town, messing around with camilo, popping in to see your dad, all sorts. Eventually the whole madrigal family plus your dad and your abuela new about Bruno's vision and we're over the moon. That's when your dad decides it would be a good idea to have 'the talk' with camilo and you just chuckle as you watch hum suffer. Everything was pretty much perfect after that, your mum had left and gone back home and your ex was no where to be seen. And bruno's vision was correct, as always. You and camilo grew up together and got married and started a family of your own, you had four wonderful children all with special gifts of there own. Life couldn't get any better.

(This is the end of the story! I ran out of ideas so sorry this one is so short, but please correct me if I have made any mistakes. I apologise for not posting I had a rough day yesterday so I hope this chapter makes up for it! I won't be making anymore of this story so I apologise but please feel free to give ideas for another story for me to create! This was my first book and I think it was a success! Anyways, Enjoy! ♡)

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