Bonus No.1| Wedding?

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(Ik I said I wasn't going to make anymore but I just had to, these aren't part of the story but they r just bonus scenes, also u and camilo r both aged Up! I will not be doing any smut in any of these either.)

"Amor? (Love?)" Camilo says entering your room.

"Hm?" You say looking up at him from your bed.

"Would you like to come out with me today? I want to take you out since we have been couped up here for a few days" He says making his way over to you pouting.

"We were here because your were ill querido (darling), but of course I'd love to" You say smiling.

"But first.." He pauses. And then leaps ontop of you, making you fall back onto the bed.

"Cuddle." He wraps his arms around you laying his head on your stomach. You giggle and put one arm around him and the other makes its way to his hair and you start to stroke and play with his hair.

"Some things never change.." You say smiling. Camilo just smiles and squeezes you tighter.

~Time skip~

"Can you just tell me where we are going" You say slightly irritated. Camilo is behind you guiding you to an un known place, bonus is you're blindfolded.

"No no, its a surprise" He says and then chuckles. "We are nearly there".

"We better be" You say going along with it. A few minutes later you reach your destination and camilo let's go of you.

"You can take the blindfold off now amor (love)" camilo says moving infront of you.

"Finally" You remove your blindfold and your eyes widen.

"Camilo.." You utter.

"What do you think?" He says smiling nervously.

"It's.. its beautiful" you smile and feel your cheeks flush a light pink. He had brought you to the exact field you both had your first date, except the trees had fairy lights littered on them and it was night. There was a blanket on the ground and candles were scattered along the ground. You couldn't shift the blush that had grown on your cheeks and all you could do was smile.

"What's all this for?" You say curiously.

"Well.." He said moving over to the blanket and standing on it. You follow and stand just infront of him. He then reaches into his pocket and gets down on one knee. He pulled out a little black box and showed it up to you. His cheeks lit up.

"Cami.?" You say shocked, you covered your mouth and took a step back, your face was surely pink by now.

"Y/n m/n l/n..I've known you for so long now. You have had my heart since the moment I first laid eyes on you at my brothers ceremony." He smiles. "You have made me feel so complete and I feel like I need you by my side forever. I need you to stay in my life. So, would you make me the happiest I've ever been." He continues opening the box to reveal a silver ring with diamonds lined around it. "And marry me.?" He said letting out a little chuckle.

"Y/n madrigal." You say smiling. "I like the sound of that" you then jump into his arms and you both lay on the blanket for a while smiling and cuddling. He then slips then ring on your finger and kisses your forehead.

"te amo mi prometido hermosa..(I love you my beautiful fiance..)" He whispers.

"te amo mi vida.(I love you to my life.)" You reply. You guys stay there for a while longer and then make your way back to casita and tell everyone the good news.

"I knew you could do it little bro" Dolores says nudging his shoulder with a wide smile across her face. He just chuckles and puts his arm around you. You giggle and kiss his cheek.

~Time skip to your wedding day!~

You had just finished getting ready and you're really nervous. Dolores and isabella were by your side and mirabel was with camilo.

"Y/n, you look beautiful" isabella says smiling.

"Thank you" You reply as your hands start shaking. Dolores notices and says

"It's okay, everything will be fine, no need to be nervous, I was the same you know. But everything turned out fine" She says reassuringly.

"You just have to push yourself, you can do this" isabella adds.

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it" You say and let out a little smile.

"Y/n. Its time" Dolores says. Isabella hands you a bouquet of flowers.

"We will be right behind you." They both say. You slowly walk out and your father meets you at the Isle and puts his arm through yours.

"You look stunning darling." He says wiping a tear.

"Thank you dad" you say smiling. He walks along side you, arm in arm, making your way down the Isle. You feel all eyes on you and you can't help but go pink. You lock eyes with your soon to be husband at the end of the Isle and his eyes lit up. He blushed and looked at you lovingly and you smiled. Your dad kissed your hand when you got to then end and then took his seat in the front row of chairs. You stood opposite camilo and he looked as if he could melt.

*they are so beautiful I can't believe my eyes~* ~Camilos thoughts.

You smiled and took his hands. You continued on the ceremony as normal and you said your vows.

"I do" Camilo finished.

"I do" You repeated.

"You may kiss the bride" the marriage officiant says with a smile. Camilo didn't even let him finished and whisked you into his arms and pulled you in for a deep kiss. You reciprocated and a few moments later you both stood up with huge smiles plastered along your faces and the crowd burst into applause and you even heard a few 'whoop whoop' here and there.

"I love you" You say to your new husband and he kisses your forehead.

"I love you too mi amor" He replied. Not a moment later you were swarmed by family, your dad came over to you in tears and pepa suffocated you in her arms.

"Ahh ¡mi nuera! estoy tan feliz por ustedes dos! (My daughter-in-law! I'm so happy for you both!)" She exclaimed as a double rainbow popped over her head and her smile spread across her face. You giggled and hugged her back and soon after camilo had his arm wrapped around your waist once again.

~Time skip to the after party~

You were all messing about having a few drinks and laughs and then it was time. The music slowed down and the slow dance music started playing. Camilo whisked you onto the dance floor and started slow dancing with you. You put your head on his shoulder and he had his arms around your waist and you were both swaying to the music. Ten minutes later felix and pepa were on the dance floor dancing with you and so were augustin and juilieta. And then another 10 minutes later everyone was on the floor and dancing with you. Then the dj switched the music over and you all started having the time of your life.

"Hey cami" you say suddenly.

"Whats up amor (love)" he replies putting down his glass.

"Thank you, for everything, im so lucky to have you. I love you" you say smiling.

"Dont thank me darling, just love me" he replied putting his arms around you. You smile and kiss his cheek.

"I love you to" he says and hugs you. You hug back and for the rest of the night you guys mess around and hsvr an amazing time. You guys head back home soon enough and everything, is perfect.

(I will be doing more scenarios and bonuses so give me some suggestions on what you would like to see! Also in this bonus they are aged up and its not part of the original story they are just bonus scenarios. I will not be doing ANY smut so dont suggest it, thanks ajd Enjoy!)

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