A Different Drum

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I walk into the Youth Center to meet my friends, I hear screaming for some reason, when I'm at the entrance I see Billy on something coming.. My way! I yelp and quickly move away, when he was out of the way I quickly ran over to Trini, Zack and Jason are at to not get hit, we turn around to hear he crashes something

I mouth out ' Ooooo '

Billy came back with things with him that I guess where he crashed, the cart he was on stop and Kimberly have to jump out of the way to not get hit by Billy, Billy landed on the ground hard, Kim telling something to him when she was bending down and then walks away, Billy crawls back over to us groaning in pain

" Billy, what happened? Are you okay?" Trini asked him as she walks over to him and help Billy up, he just groans some more

" my main brain, what's up?" Zack greeted him as they walk to us and Trini help Billy on the way

" well, I'm intrigued by the rythmic modulation of the appendages" Billy answers

" say what?" I asked him

" he can't dance" Trini tells me

I nodded my head to understand now

" precisely" Billy said

" right, okay, spin" I hear Kimberly said teaching her dance class

Billy goes back to dancing while we four starting to talk

" look at all the little rapping ballerinas" I hear Bulk said walking in the Youth Center with Skull, we turn to them

" the stuff they're doing is too easy" Skull adds

" you think so huh?" Zack speaks up making the two look our direction, " I'd like to see you try"

Bulk starting to do Kimberly's dance but when he do the spin part he kicks Jason's chair on purpose, that catch everyone of gaurd and turn to us, Jason about to charge at Bulk but I ran over to him before any harm done

" okay okay okay okay" I said to him and we went where Trini is in the crowd

" so you can with those steps, but can you get with these?" Zack asked Bulk

Zack starts to do pretty awesome moves, we cheer for him after Zack was done

" no problem" Bulk said

Bulk starts to copy his moves and I'm afraid to admit it but he did well, Zack starts to do these incredible moves

" yo Zack, yes!" Trini cheers

Zack high five us

" piece of cake" Bulk said to Zack

Bulk starts to copy his moves but when he slips his pants rips, we all burst into laughter

" come here!" Bulk orders Skull, Skull went over to his aid and try to help him up and they went to the other side to let Zack go

" check this out" Zack said to him

Zack starts to do a cool like handstand dance on the counter and hop off of it while the crowd cheers

" yeah, not bad" Jason said, I nodded in agreement

" piece of cake" Bulk said

He goes back a little and then runs to the counter but ends up behind it, we all started to laugh again, Bulk gets up and he haves something in his mouth

" you can have it, I wasn't hungry anyway" Zack laughs and walk over back to us, I high five him and he high fives me, " we'd better go to the movie"

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