Happy Birthday, Zack

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A/N: greetings readers! Before I get into the chapter, I'll publish episode 9 later, some of the episodes in the show is hard for me to fill in, so with out further waiting, I give you ' Happy Birthday, Zack'!

I'm currently at the Youth Center with my friends of throwing a surprise birthday party for Zack, we all have things we want to do or help for this, Jason is getting the paints, Billy was blowing ballons when Kimberly share some of her music with him, Trini is doing a banner and Kimberly is helping, I'm currently helping blowing balloons, sitting at a table where the girls at, Ernie with us also

" you're right Kimberly, the performers assembled to create this harmonious tune transcend all predecessors to this gender of music" Billy said to Kimberly, which made her and I look at Trini but I'm still try to blow a ballon

" translation please" Kimberly said to Trini

" he likes the music" Trini tells her

I finally done blowing but suddenly it popped and go all around the room and went into Ernie's cake machine, I groan of a annoyance

" Billy! You got to help me! Billy! Billy I need you!" we hear Ernie call out for him

I look to see Ernie having trouble with his cake machine and the cake was inside guess exploded inside and turn into blue slush, I turn my head back to Billy who isn't listening

Trini, Kim and I try to get his attention but he's still dancing to the music, I get up and take off his headphones, he turns to me

" glad you like the group, but I think Ernie's having a problem" I tell him and pointing where Ernie is at

" uh oh" Billy says, realizing it now and go over to help him, he stops the machine and bend down to Ernie's level, " I guess I still got to work the kinks out of this thing"

" I hate machines" Ernie says, more cake mix went on him

After that cake machine accident, we went back to work

" it looks all right" Kimberly said when Trini almost done of painting the banner and as I'm with them to

" Kimberly, Selena, get back to work" Trini says

I take a ballon and walk over to Billy

" how's it going Billy?" I asked him as Kimberly goes on top the counter

" I fail to ascertain why thus appliance isn't working" Billy answers, " I mean, the molecular mix re-arranger's still intact"

Kimberly and I look at each other confused

" problems?" someone asked

I turn my head to see Jason back with more paints, he's the one that asked that question

" the cake-o-matic that Billy built for Zack's surprise party, it went on a warpath, nearly drowned me in cake mix!" Ernie answers

I blow a ballon and hopefully it'll work this time!.

" listen Ernie, I wanted to thank you for keeping the place open late tonight so we could decorate for Zack's birthday party" Jason thanked him

" boy, is he going to be surprise?" Ernie says, " and speaking of surprises! You guys will never guess what I found out about the power rangers"

I stop blowing my ballon that point

" the power who?" I mumble out loud, Ernie turns to me

" the superheros with the large dunozords?" Ernie answers

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