Itzy Bitzy Spider

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Authors Note: this is a pretty short chapter, but hope you guys enjoy anyway!

I walk into the halls with my textbook 'till I hear Trimi and Billy's voice

" come on, sign the petition!" Trini shouted, I finally found where they are, " please, help us save the forest spirit statue!"

" yeah, help preserve our city's history, save our statue!" Billy added

" what's the big deal?" Bulk chimed in, " it's a pile of old concrete"

" the city council wants to tear it down and put in a barbecue pit" Trini explained as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn who it is to see Tommy arrive

" good" Bulk smiles which made me turn back to the two, " maybe we'll get some decent chicken and ribs"

" yeah, some decent chicken and ribs" Skull agreed

" it's not good" Trini disagreed, " everybody's forgotten why the statue was put up"

" according to the legend, the forest spirit provided a buffer against harmful arthropodas" Billy explained

" it's to protect us against bad insects" Trini finished explaining

I bit my lips and nodded, I took Tommy's hand off my shoulder

" I'm for that" Zack agreed as he's near some tanks with bugs in 'em, " 'cause crawlers give me the heebid-jeebies, yuk! Especially spiders!"

I shook my head with a smile as Trini go over to Zack

" see the flower?" Trini asked him as pointing to a poster of the statue, " in the statue's hair? That's to remind us most insects are helpful to humans"

Suddenly people screamed as we see some bugs on the floor, I hear Zack screaming which made me face him to see there's a spider on his shoulder

" somebody get if off!" Zack kept panicking

" don't move..." I said to him as I slowly take Tommy's book and slowly go over to Zack and lifted the book up to get ready to hit the spider, " stand still, Zack!"

I slammed the book directly on the bug but it escape, causing me to accidently hit his shoulder, I went to see if he's fine when he moans in pain


It's later of the day, I'm with Trini and Kimberly at our lockers

" hey, how did it go at science lab?" Zack asked us as he approached us three

" Mr. Barts went berserk when I only turned in three ants and a cockroache"Trini explained

I rubbed her shoulder, feeling sorry for her

" the rest of them got away, huh?" Kimberly asked her

" we can thank Bulk and Skull for that" I rolled my eyes as I see Jason join us

" we'll help you replace the bugs" Jason offered

" I know! Let's have a picnic and they'll just come to us" Kimberly suggested

I chuckled of that

" I think we have to be a little bit more aggressive than that" Trini replied

I than see Billy walking over to us

" hi, Billy" I greeted with a smile

" hi guys!" Billy greeted back as we see a white mouse in his hand

" what you got there?" Kimberly asked curiously, that made Billy shows us the mouse which made my eyes widen

I hate mices or mouses.

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