The Spit Flower

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Kimberly told us that she's designing a float for a parade so we offered to help designe in, Tommy and Kimberly already at the Youth Center, we'd stayed behind to get some thinge for the float before heading to the Youth Center

" oh no, putties!" Trini exclaimed as we enter the Youth Center to see Kimberly and Tommy fighting the putties, we join and help but once we did the putties disappear, that made me fall on my back on the hard surface when I try to do a kick and roll over

" don't come back, clay brains!" Jason yelled as we glanced around to see if there's anymore

I pull myself back up and brushed the dirt off me, we hear Kimberly softly crying and we approached her

" look at my model" Kimberly said as she cried and looking at us, I glanced at Kim's model to see it's totally destroyed

" man... They really demolished it" Zack said with sorry for our friend

" without this model, I can't build the full sized float"  Kimberly continues as I see Trini go beside her with some left over flowers, " now it won't be able to be in the parade"

" oh, Kim, cheer up, there will be other parades you can design floats for" Trini said

" yeah, but Rita will probably wreck them too" Kimberly objected

" well, perhaps we can simply reconstruct it" Billy suggested

" all that time and effort for nothing" Kimberly said

" we could help you build a new one" Tommy offered

" yeah!" I agreed

" there's no way we can get more flowers in time" Kimberly shook her head, " the model's due today"

Suddenly Kimberly stood up and ran away while crying, I give my friends a sympathy look

" this Rita's a real witch" Jasok shook his head

I bit my lips of thinkin'  of an idea


We decided to clean up the mess the putties made, I whispered to my plan to my brother and he seems willing to help me work on it

" hey, I know" Trini spoke up, " let's take her out to lunch, that should cheer her up"

" good idea" Billy agreed, " is that all the pieces we could locate?"

I nodded to him that it is

" man, what a bummer" Zack said

" yaah, you know, Kimberly really had her heart set on having a float in the parade" Jason tells us

" I wish there was something we could do" Trini said

" I've got an idea" I suddenly spoke up and look at Tommy, he smiles at me, he looks at the others

" we'll deal with it later, though, we gotta go" Tommy said as he carries the trash bag, we than walk over where Kim is

" you gonna be okay?" I asked her, she looks up to see Tommy and I

" yeah, I'll be fine" Kimberly answers

" the guys wanna take you out to lunch, but we gotta go and take care of something" Tommy explained, " can I drop this stuff off at your house?"

" no" Kimberly shook her head, " just toss it, I don't need it around to remind me of the parade"

" okay" I said, " we'll catch you later"

I patted her shoulder when Tommy and I headed out

" bye" I hear Kimberly said

She's gonna be so surprise! I just hope nothing will interfere.

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