Happy Progress Day

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I wandered across the roofs of Piltover, my dusty boots leaving fait footprints behind me. I'm sure I stuck out like a sore thum, in all black clothes among the clean, white and pale colours of the Piltover architecture. My long black coat almost touched the floor as I made my way across the rounded roof, watching the people of Piltover celebrate.

Children ran about playing while adults wandered about taking while trying not to lose their kids. All alone the sides of the roads were banners and posters of Jayce Talice, the 'man of progress'. The air was filled with the sound of polite chatter, laughing and great air ships. I looked to the sky and watched them fly elegantly across the sky. I glanced up to the tower, the blue runes glowing gently, awaiting the next ship.

It made me nervous, the Arcane was a dangerous thing, not to be handled lightly. And I had been watching Jayce and his partner Victor for a while, and I knew that was just their plan.

I shook the thought from my head, determined not to let it ruin the day.

It's progress day, I thought I should enjoy myself.

I took to a jog, going nowhere in particular. I ran and jumped to the next roof, landing with a thump. I rolled into the landing and slid down the side of the building, feet outstretched below me, one hand sliding down above me. I landed on the gutter and crouched. I jumped to the top of a window and sat cross legged.

My eyes scanned the crowd, I spotted Jayce, taking with a blue haired girl enforcer. I looked away from him and decided I wanted to head down. I stood and walked along the gutter, to the edge of the building, below a small allyway. I jumped and slid down the other wall, I jumped across to the other wall then back to the other. Reapeting the process untill I landed.

I glanced out of the allyway, checking for enforcers. I pulled down my hood and scarf around my face. A strand of black hair fell infront my face. I ran a gloved hand through my hair and stepped out. I walked down the street like I wasn't from Zaun, I had learned half the way to pretend was just act confident and people were mostly convinced.

I walked up to a stall and looked at some of the prices. I reached into the pack strapped to my leg under my coat and pulled out some coins. I bought a drink and kept walking. I took a sip and headed into the building Jayce and the enforcer were talking, Jayce was gone but the enforcer was still there. I slipped past with my head down, she gave me a look as I did but didn't make a move. I joined the crowd all stood around Council member Cassandra Kirramman talking about Jayce and his inventions. I found it odd and a littel sad there was no mention of his partner Victor.

I quickly got bored and left. I wandered down the streets partaking in the festivities. Still I found it hard to enjoy myself, I knew Jinx was somewhere. On a job in the docs dropping off a shipment of shimmer. I worried about her until I gave up having fun without help.

I found the nearest bar and ordered a drink. The Piltover drinks were nothing compared to Zaun but it was better than nothing. I sat in a booth in the corner, boots resting on the empty seat next to me. I downed the drink and ordered another. I had about five before an enforcer showed up, I was feeling tipsy when I brought my glass down and saw him. Stood there in his full uniform staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my speech slightly slured.


"No." I snapped "Not miss."

"Sir," He said unsure "are you ment to be here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, acting oblivious.

"I mean are you ment to be in Piltover?" He asked again.

"Its progress day," I pionted out "people are coming from all over the continent. Why would I not ment to be here?"

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