The Boy Saviour

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I was getting ready to go rob somewhere when Jinx came back. I heard the elevator doors open and Jinx come out. I was pulling up my mask when Jinx started yelling. I walked to the edge and saw her stapling acut on her leg.

"You know," I called down from my ledge "a staple gun is not a professional piece of medical equipment."

I grabbed the rope and jumped, swinging closer to Jinx and walking into the landing with one swift motion. I walked up to Jinx and knelt infront of her. We had done this a dossen times, to the piont I didn't even need permission anymore. I reached under my coat and into my pack, I grabbed my med kit and opened it on the floor infront of me. Then I started pulling out the stables.

Jinx let out a short scream as I pulled out the first one.

"Next time don't use a staple gun." I said simply, grabing the next one with my pliers. I looked up at her "Ready?"

She nodded, biting her tongue, her face scrunched up ready for pain. I pulled it out.

Her body lurched with pain, after she sighed and sank back into her chair. I started cleaning her cut. I thought it was in an odd place and decided to ask about it.

"How'd you get cut here?" I asked, dabbing the cloth on her thigh.

"She was behind me, on the floor, with a stick, I think. I don't know."

I cocked my head "Fair. Who did it?"

"Fire lights." Jinx sighed, resting her elbow on the table and chin on her fist.

"Again?" I asked "This is probably insensitive but if you ever get a chance, nab one of their boards. They look fun."

"I'll be on the look out." She said absently, wincing as I dabbed the cloth again.

We sat in silence until Jinx started muttering, talking to her voices.

"No. She wouldn't- No! She wouldn't do that- Why would I remember her name?" Jinx smiled "Caitlyn."

"Who's Caitlyn?" I asked.

"An enforcer." Jinx said "With Vi."

I stopped "Vi? Your sister? You said she was dead."

"I thought she was. But, now she's back." I could tell Jinx was freaked but she hid it with a smile and yelling "With an enforcer! Why would she be back with an enforcer, you know?" She laughed nervously.

I looked away and shrugged "I don't know." I put the cloth back in the box and started stitching "Maby there with the fire lights, you said your sister hated Silco, so do they. Maby they've teamed up."

"But why the enforcer?" Jinx threw her arms up "Its too complicated for right now. Come on Sparky." She ran a hand over my head, pulling my hood down. The gesture and nick name made me blush.

"Come on Sparky what?" I asked, glancing at Jinx.

"Let's go blow something up again." She suggested. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"So soon?"

Jinx laughed quietly, I finished patching her up and tapped her leg to show it. She spun on her stool and started tinkering at her desk. I stood and watched, she was painting some mechanical butterflies. I cocked my head.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, resting my hands on the table.

"We're gonna use these, to blow them all up!" Jinx said excitedly.

"First of all, who said I'm getting involved. Second, who's 'them all'?"

"I don't know." Jinx shrugged "Vi, the fire lights, the enforcers, Caitlyn." The way she said made me realise just how much hate she had for this Caitlyn.

The Witch And The Phyco (Jinx x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now