Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy

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Me and Jinx had been working on the hex tech gem all day. Jinx flicked through Jayce's and Victor's note book, lay down with half her body hanging over the massive casam. I sat next to her, not hanging over certain death, studying the blue orb. Some how, they had managed to 'stabilise' it. I didn't call it that, I called it control. The Arcane wasn't unstable, they just didn't have the strength or skill to use it.

The black markings on my fingers glowed blue as the orb touched them, dying to be used. I pulled my gloves over them. I continued to study it as Jinx grabbed somethings from her table.

Jinx sat back down with a few pieces of metal and machinery, tinkering with them until she had a strange, unstable looking device.

"Ok." Jinx said, taking the orb off me "Here we go. It's all about these runes." She explained.

I nodded "Yeah they're what tell the Arcane what to do and make it do it."

She nodded "Exactly. They form some math-y, magic-y gateway. To the relm of hiby-gybys. And this turns it on."

She put it in the device.

"So, here it go's."

She took a deep breath and flicked the switch on the side.

The orb exploded in burst of blue light. The force threw us both back and knocked half her stuff over. I brought my hands down and saw the energy gone. The only proof something happened was the smoking orb, blue sparks that hung in the air, and Jinx's panicked state.

"No." She said, she got up and ran off "It was a mistake, it was a mistake."

"Jinx." I called, getting up and walking after her.

She headed to the elevator leading out the casam, rambling to herself. I caught the door and got in with her. The elevator slowly started going up.

"What?" I asked.

"It was a mistake." She said.

"What? Oh." I realised she was talking about the explosion "I know, Jinx. It was, it wasn't your fault."

She nodded "It wasn't-"

She got cut off by her own voices, I could tell. I slowly reached out to her.

"You want me to?" I asked.

She nodded.

I held the side of her face. She turned to face me and I put each hand on the sides of her head. The markings on my fingers glowed as my Arcane slipped into her mind, shutting out her voices and hallucinations. She sighed with relief and the markings faded back to black.

"Thanks, Spark." She said.

I dropped my hands and she turned away. The doors slid open and we stepped out. I pulled my mask up.

"What you wanna do?" I asked as we wandered through The Lanes.

"I wanna show you somewhere." She said.

She started jogging down the allyways and I had no choice but to follow. She led me to a building that had been long since abandoned. We stepped through the broken window and I looked around. What I assumed used to be a shooting range, a few arcade games and a strange dummy. It had two padded arms that you could punch, two arms that did punch, a padded body and missing face. There was also a board on the wall showing scores.

We looked around, a noise made us both flinch. Jinx pulled out her custom pistol while I raised my fists. It was a crow. I sighed and lowered my fists while Jinx cocked her head. The crowd cawed at her and she shot it.

The Witch And The Phyco (Jinx x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now