When These Walls Come Tumbling Down

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I sat on my sofa. The sunlight shone through the entrance making the whole cave orange. It was dawn, the only time sun got directly in. I lent forward, resting my arms on my thighs and bounced my leg nervously. I bit my lip and looked at the notes layed out on the table before me.

I had decided to look through the note book more thoroughly. I found out Jayce's and Victor's plans, projects, everything. And it scared me.

Their so much further forward than I realised.

I had studied the orb closely. Pulling my gloves off and let my markings react to the magic inside. It had sent chills through me. I let the orb roll onto my palm.

The markings on my hand glowed blue as blue rings formed around the orb. Runes swirled around it and the orb hovered I'm the air. I watched the gem react with me. I felt its power, it was undoubtedly dangerous.

"And there using it for the trade." I said angrily to myself.

I clenched my fist and the hex gem the small amount of magic faded. I caught the orb before it fell and put in my jewellery box.

I stood and grabbed my coat and mask. I left my cave and made my way to the bathysphere. I got in and waited nervously for it to get up to Piltover.

The doors opened and I got out, making my way towards the city. At the edge I climbed onto a roof. I made my way to the center of the city and found a market. It was filled with life and bustling people. People were selling everything and anything, all of it expensive. 

I climbed down in an allyway and made my way into the street. I surveyed the different shops and went inside a jewelry shop. I looked around and picked a necklace, it was seven purple gems styled into a flower on a silver chain.

I picked it up out of its case and looked at it in my hand. I checked the price tag. Expensive. I looked at the cashier, we made eye contact and I left. I know he saw me put the necklace in my pocket.

"Hay!" He called after me as I left "Theif! Stop, theif!"

I ran. I bolted down the street and heard him open the door and call after me.

"STOP! THEIF! Enforcers! Enforcers he's a theif! Stop him!"

"They." I muttered.

I kept running, I heard enforcers run after me. I kept going, civilians all parted to make way, more enforcers slowly joining the chase. I rounded the corner and ran straight into an enforcer. He grabbed my arms as I struggled. The rest of the enforcers rounded the corner and saw me struggling. More grabbed me, two each arm. Another walked up in front of me and pulled my mask and hood down.

"We got you now." He said smugly.

I said nothing. I let them handcuff me and drag me through the street and throw me in the cell. I sat there, staring out the window for what felt like days, in actuality it was probably only an hour or two.

"This was a terrible idea." I muttered to myself.

Eventually, four enforcers came into my cell. Two grabbed and handcuffed me again, leading me out the room. The other two followed behind me. Again I said nothing, I held my head high, walking proudly to my sentence.

I had seen the council room many times before. Stood on the roof peering through the large stained glass windows around the walls. But seeing it from the inside was very impressive to say the least. Every council member was sat waiting. I was led into the middle of the circular table.

"Well let's get started shall we?" Himedinger said "You are charged with twelve counts of theft, nine counts of arson, and sixteen counts of assault. How do you plead?"

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